Hello everyone, I just wanted to get help from you on my current problem. I was issued by my company a desktop of my own BUT they created a LIMITED account thats why I cant install other programs other than those programs currently installed in it. Can anyone help me please to change my Windows XP log in account type? Thanks
Well I don't know about changing your account type.But what you can do is hack into your administrator's account and from that account you can install the software you want to.The following information is only for learning purpose and you should not do anything illegal with it :lipsrseal. Ok windows XP stores its password in "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SAM" and "C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\SYSTEM" .Don't jump just yet :nonod:.These files are password hashes stored in binary format and you can't read them.So what you got to do is get L0phtCrack from http://www.atstake.com/ to be able dump the password hashes and than run a dictionary attack on the hashes.Mind you this can take a lot of time depending on how intelligent your admin is(which would be directly proportional to how strong his password is). Also another method which uses time/memory tradeoff is rainbow tables.You can visit this site http://project-rainbowcrack.com/. Ok so that is about it if you want more information I suggest you see http://www.windowsecurity.com/articles/Protect-Weak-Authentication-Protocols-Passwords.html . The above link is usefull and you can also google SAM attacks. Again as this is your company lappy i suggest you avoid doing anything illegal as it can cost you your job.Anyways let me know if it helped.
listen what fob is saying can also be done .... yet there is another way of solving the problem it usually runs in old windows Xp editions .... sorry if it will not workkk.... just while starting ur computer u open it in safe mode... by choosing the admin acount and if it opens then change the password in safe mode and restart ur windows........... hav a gud day.....
I think it will work. I also have another tips. Open Cmd > type this : netuser username * Then it will prompt you to change the username password. gud luck..... But I think you better find out the password, coz if u change it, your company will find out, right? lol
Hi! Yo can follow fob but in the case of kiddo's suggestion, "net user" will not work because this commands works only if you are logged in as an Administrator but limited accounts doesn't have administrator powers! And here is another process to hack win xp's any password by using ophcrack! Exactly I've forgotten the link but it can be found at www.sourceforge.net, I suggest every one to download the live cd of ophcrack and run it, At the starting it will show you all the user name of XP and passwords! Its a LINUX! ;-) Thankz...