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Discussion in 'C' started by beginnerlvl, Dec 10, 2012.

  1. beginnerlvl

    beginnerlvl New Member

    Dec 10, 2012
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    I want to run this program. I use NetBeans IDE with GCC compiler in Windows 7. I know that some input file maybe "routing_file" is needed for the execution of this file. I'm very poor in programming, so if you could tell me how I can give input to this program and where I should give it clearly, it ll be very helpful.
    The program is invoked in the following way:
          trietest routing_file [traffic_file] [n]
       The routing_file is a file describing an IPv4 routing table.
       Each line of the file contains three numbers bits, len, and next
       in decimal notation, where bits is the bitpattern and len is
       the lenght of the entry, and next is the corresponding next-hop
       The optional traffic_file should contain one decimal integer
       per line.
       To be able to measure the search time also for small instances,
       one can give an optional command line parameter n that indicates
       that the table should be searched n times.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <ctype.h>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <float.h>
    #include "trie.h"
    #include "Good_32bit_Rand.h"
       Read routing table entries from a file. Each entry is represented
       by three numbers: bits, len, and next in decimal notation, where
       bits is the bitpattern and len is the lenght of the entry, and
       next is the corresponding next-hop address.
    static int readentries(char *file_name,
                           entry_t entry[], int maxsize)
       int nentries = 0;
       word data, nexthop;
       int len;
       FILE *in_file;
       if (!(in_file = fopen(file_name, "rb"))) {
       while (fscanf(in_file, "%lu%i%lu", &data, &len, &nexthop) != EOF) {
          if (nentries >= maxsize) return -1;
          entry[nentries] = (entry_t) malloc(sizeof(struct entryrec));
          /* clear the 32-len last bits, this shouldn't be necessary
             if the routtable data was consistent */
          data = data >> (32-len) << (32-len);
          entry[nentries]->data = data;
          entry[nentries]->len = len;
          entry[nentries]->nexthop = nexthop;
       return nentries;
       Read traffic from a file. Each address is an unsigned number
       representing the bit pattern.
    static int readtraffic(char *file_name,
                           word str[], int maxsize)
       int nstrings = 0;
       word s;
       FILE *in_file;
       if (!(in_file = fopen(file_name, "rb"))) {
       while (fscanf(in_file, "%lu", &s) != EOF && nstrings < maxsize) {
          if (nstrings >= maxsize) return -1;
          str[nstrings] = s;
       return nstrings;
    /* Write the first n lines of the array to stdout. */
    void writeentries(entry_t t[], int nentries, int n)
       int i, j;
       if (nentries > n)
          nentries = n;
       printf("\nEntries (nexthop, entry):\n");
       for (i = 0;  i < nentries; i++) {
          printf("%5lu   ", t[i]->nexthop);
          for (j = 0; j < t[i]->len; j++) {
             printf("%1d", t[i]->data<<j>>31);
             if (j%8 == 7) printf(" ");
       Search for the entries in 'testdata[]' in the table
       'table' 'repeat' times. The experiment is repeated 'n'
       times and statistics are computed.
    void run(word testdata[], int entries, int repeat,
             routtable_t table, int useInline, int n, int verbose)
       double time[100];  /* Repeat the experiment at most 100 times */
       double min, x_sum, x2_sum, aver, stdev;
       int i, j, k;
       volatile word res; /* The result of a search is stored in a */
                          /* volative variable to avoid optimization */
       /* Used by the inlined search code */
       node_t node;
       int pos, branch, adr;
       word bitmask;
       int preadr;
       word s;
       /* Used to record search pattern */
       /* static int searchDist[MAXENTRIES]; */
       if (!useInline) {
          for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
             for (j = 0; j < repeat; ++j)
                for (k = 0; k < entries; k++)
                   res = find(testdata[k], table);
             time[i] = gettime();
       } else {
          for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
             for (j = 0; j < repeat; ++j)
                for (k = 0; k < entries; k++) {
                   /********** Inline search **********/
                   s = testdata[k];
                   node = table->trie[0];
                   pos = GETSKIP(node);
                   branch = GETBRANCH(node);
                   adr = GETADR(node);
                   while (branch != 0) {
                      node = table->trie[adr + EXTRACT(pos, branch, s)];
                      pos += branch + GETSKIP(node);
                      branch = GETBRANCH(node);
                      adr = GETADR(node);
                   /* searchDist[adr]++; */
                   /* was this a hit? */
                   bitmask = table->base[adr].str ^ s;
                   if (EXTRACT(0, table->base[adr].len, bitmask) == 0) {
                      res = table->nexthop[table->base[adr].nexthop];
                      goto end;
                   /* if not look in the prefix tree */
                   preadr = table->base[adr].pre;
                   while (preadr != NOPRE) {
                      if (EXTRACT(0, table->pre[preadr].len, bitmask) == 0) {
                         res = table->nexthop[table->pre[preadr].nexthop];
                         goto end;
                      preadr = table->pre[preadr].pre;
                   res = 0; /* not found */
                   /********* End inline search ********/
             time[i] = gettime();
       x_sum = x2_sum = 0;
       min = DBL_MAX;
       for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
          x_sum += time[i];
          x2_sum += time[i]*time[i];
          min = time[i] < min ? time[i] : min;
       if (n > 1) {
          aver = x_sum / (double) n;
          stdev = sqrt (fabs(x2_sum - n*aver*aver) / (double) (n - 1));
          fprintf(stderr, "  min:%5.2f", min);
          fprintf(stderr, "  aver:%5.2f", aver);
          fprintf(stderr, "  stdev:%5.2f", stdev);
       if (verbose) {
          fprintf(stderr, "  (");
          for (i = 0; i < n-1; ++i)
             fprintf(stderr, "%.2f,", time[i]);
          fprintf(stderr, "%.2f)", time[i]);
       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
       fprintf(stderr, "  %.0f lookups/sec", repeat*entries/min);
       if (verbose)
          fprintf(stderr, " (%.2f sec, %i lookups)", min, repeat*entries);
       fprintf(stderr, "\n");
       /* Print information about the search distribution */
       fprintf(stdout, "Search distribution:\n");
       for (i = 0; i < table->basesize; i++) {
          fprintf(stdout, "%7d", searchDist[i]);
          if (i % 11 == 10)
             fprintf(stdout, "\n");
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       #define MAXENTRIES 50000            /* An array of table entries */
       static entry_t entry[MAXENTRIES];
       int nentries;
       #define MAXTRAFFIC 1000000          /* Traffic */
       static word traffic[MAXTRAFFIC];
       int ntraffic;
       routtable_t table; /* The routing table */
       word *testdata;    /* The test data comes from either a traffic */
                          /* file, or it is generated from the rout table */
       int repeat;        /* Number of times to repeat the experiment */
       boolean traffsub;  /* did the user submit a traffic file? */
       int verbose = TRUE;
       int i, j;          /* Auxiliary variables */
       word temp;
       if (argc < 2 || argc > 4) {
          fprintf(stderr, "%s%s%s\n", "Usage: ", argv[0],
                  " routing_file [traffic_file] [n]");
          return 1;
       } else if (argc == 4) {
          repeat = atoi(argv[3]);
          traffsub = TRUE;
       } else if (argc == 3)
          if (isdigit(*(argv[2]))) {
             traffsub = FALSE;
             repeat = atoi(argv[2]);
          } else {
             traffsub = TRUE; 
             repeat = 1;
       } else if (argc == 2) {
          traffsub = FALSE;
          repeat = 1;
       if ((nentries = readentries(argv[1], entry, MAXENTRIES)) < 0) {
          fprintf(stderr, "Input file too large.\n");
          return 1;
       fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", "Table file: ", argv[1]);
       fprintf(stderr, "  (%0d lines)\n", nentries);
       /* writeentries(entry, nentries, 100000); printf("\n"); */
       if (traffsub) {
          ntraffic = readtraffic(argv[2], traffic, MAXTRAFFIC);
          fprintf(stderr, "%s%s", "Traffic file: ", argv[2]);
          fprintf(stderr, "  (%0d lines)\n", ntraffic);
          if (ntraffic < 0) {
             fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", "Traffic file too large.");
             return -1;
          testdata = traffic;
       } else { /* use data from routing table as traffic */
          testdata = (word *) malloc(nentries*sizeof(word));
          for (i = 0; i < nentries; i++)
             testdata[i] = entry[i]->data;
          /* permute the entries */
          for (i = 0; i < nentries - 1; i++) {
             j = i + (int) (good_drand()*(nentries - i - 1));
             temp = testdata[i];
             testdata[i] = testdata[j];
             testdata[j] = temp;
          ntraffic = nentries;
       if (repeat > 1)
          fprintf(stderr, "%s%0d\n", "Repeated: ", repeat);
       table = buildrouttable(entry, nentries, 0.50, 16, verbose);
       /* writerouttable(table); */
       routtablestat(table, verbose);
       fprintf(stderr, "Function search\n");
       run(testdata, ntraffic, repeat, table, FALSE, 8, verbose);
       fprintf(stderr, "Inline search\n");
       run(testdata, ntraffic, repeat, table, TRUE, 8, verbose);
       for (i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
          table = buildrouttable(entry, nentries, 0.05*i, 0, FALSE);
          routtablestat(table, FALSE);
          run(testdata, ntraffic, repeat, table, TRUE, 8, FALSE);
       return 0;

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