Need help with pl script

Discussion in 'Perl' started by, Mar 15, 2007.

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  1. New Member

    Mar 15, 2007
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    Home Page:

    I found the ezhomepage scripts (from that will let your website visitors make their own webpage at your stie. There are several versions, but the only one I was able to get to work at all is the exhomesite version. The problem is when I click on New Site (on this page: it takes you to the page to start a new site but at the bottom where you are supposed to click a button to creat the site, I get the following message:
    Content-type: text/html The following error occurred : Undefined subroutine &main::build_form_body called at /home/content/w/i/n/winxclub/html/cgi/ line 349.

    Below is the peice of code that I believe is getting the error. After that I will show the entire file.

    &build_form_body($usrname, $mail, $head, $sub, $body, $body2, $body3, $body4, $body5, $bgimage, $bgimage2, $linkcolor, $vlinkcolor, 
            $ahref1, $ahref2, $ahref3, $ahrefname1, $ahref2name, $ahref3name,
                        $filename, $imurl, $hrline, $emailpic, $textcolor, $fontface, $bullet, $tbltext,
    $navigator1, $navigator2, $navigator3, $navigator4, $navigator5, $headpos, $pagepos, $imagepos);
    print "<input type=submit value=\"Create Site\">\n";
    print "</form>\n";
    Here is the full script for I am also not sure if entered all the path and urls correctly. If anyone can tell me what is wrong that would be just greatly appreciated:

    # Original program was
    # HomePageMaker v.1.6 written by Dave Palmer <>
    # [url][/url]
    # Modified by Greg Mathews <>.
    # Further modifications:
    # ezhomepg - EZ Home Page Generator - by Manny Juan <> 
    # [url][/url]
    # ver 1.22 - 02/18/2000 - modifications by Bill Hall Compucat Software
    # see end of configuration block for New Compucat Options
    # ver 1.30 modified by Abuzer Khan. E-mail <>
    # ver 1.30 - 16/5/2000 added folder creation, Editing, deleting with index page. 
    # Password protection. Pop up banner window in user pages. 
    # ver 1.20 - 10/8/98 added simple table creation
    # ver 1.10 - 10/7/98 added deletion capability and handled un-selected graphics
    # ver 1.00 - 9/25/98 changed to use same code for create/edit logic, eliminate makepage.html 
    #                    also added code to remember user's clip art choices 
    # EZHomesite Modifications  ver 1.00 - 01/10/2000
    # Modified by Per Kristian Johansen <>
    # Creates multiple pages. The generator now creates a 5-page Homesite.
    # Added option to select contrasting background color.
    # Customized navigation menu. 
    # Content and title different in each page.
    # Option to center pages.
    # Changed fontselection
    # Anyone if free to use and modify this script if the footer or the button link 
    # and the credits in the script head remains as it is. Do not try to sell this script.
    # These variables need to be set
    # set this to 1 if your server is running in windows 95
    # Set this to the HTML directory where the new pages will reside. This is a PATH not a URL
    # $base_dir = "/home/content/w/i/n/winxclub/html/ezhomesite";
    # $base_dir = "../";
    # This is your URL of this script - now you don't have to change it elsewhere
    # $cgiurl = "";
    # $cgiurl = "";
    # $cgiurl = "";
    $cgiurl = "";
    # This is your URL of where the new HTML pages will be kept. keep the trailing slash
    # $baseurl = "";
    # $baseurl = "";
    # this the URL of the banner page
    # $banner="/ezhomesite/banner.html";
    # $banner="";
    # This is a URL and dir for the images sub directory in the ezhomesite directory.
    # Create the images directory in the ezhomesite directory. This is where
    # you will upload your background images
    # $imageurl = "";
    # $imagedir = "../ezhomesite/images";
    $imageurl = "";
    #directory for the pictures
    $tnp_dir_url = "$imageurl/pictures";
    $tnp_dir = "$imagedir/pictures";
    #directory for the lines graphics
    $tn_dir_url = "$imageurl/lines";
    $tn_dir = "$imagedir/lines";
    #directory for the background graphics
    $tnbg_dir_url = "$imageurl/backgrounds";
    $tnbg_dir = "$imagedir/backgrounds";
    #directory for the emailgif graphics
    $tne_dir_url = "$imageurl/email";
    $tne_dir = "$imagedir/email";
    #directory for the bullets graphics
    $tnb_dir_url = "$imageurl/bullets";
    $tnb_dir = "$imagedir/bullets";
    # This is the path for user pages. You don't really need to change this
    # Just make sure to create a directory: ezhomesite and chmod it 777
    $page_dir = "$base_dir";
    # This is the index of all pages created by Member Page Generator
    # This file should be chmod to 777 and placed in the ezhomesite directory
    $indexpage = "$base_dir/index.html";
    # This is the location of the data.txt file. This holds each user's
    # login name and e-mail address for confirmation
    $data = "$base_dir/data.txt";
    #Site title
    #Yourname or Company
    $yourtitle=" Free WebPage";
    # self explanatory variables for your site logo
    $logo = "$imageurl/header.gif";
    $logoalt = "EZHomesite";
    # Location of the sendmail program
    $sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t";
    # Your e-mail address here
    $myemail = "admin\";
    # the text for the links section - if no links are entered it will not be displayed
    $linkstext = "My links";
    # The default font face for userpages. Must be same as syntax as options in form.
    # NOTE: In EZHomesite the font face will not impact the settings in the Create Page and 
    # Edit Page section.
    $fontface = "Arial";
    # Compucat Modifications  ver 1.21 - 01/29/2000
    # set csnotify to 1 to enable email notifications
    # set csnotify to 0 to disable email notifications
    # the user notification page differs with this option
    $csnotify = 1;
    # set csreeditindex to 1 to reedit the index page after Edits
    # set csreeditindex to 0 to disable reedit of the index page after Edits
    # the reediting of the index page is handled by sub csreeditentry
    # which deletes the entry from the index page writes it out
    # and then adds the entry to the index page and writes it out
    # putting the edited headline at the top of the index page
    $csreeditindex = 1;
    # set csdisplaylinks to 1 to enable Links in Design And Creation
    # set csdisplaylinks to 0 to disable Links
    $csdisplaylinks = 1;
    # set csdisplayoptable to 1 to enable Optional Table in Design And Creation
    # set csdisplayoptable to 0 to disable Optional Table in Design And Creation
    $csdisplayoptable = 1;
    # set csdisplaymailto to 1 to enable email image selection in Design And Creation
    # set csdisplaymailto to 0 to disable email image selection and the mailto
    $csdisplaymailto = 1;
    # End of Compucat Modifications
    # That's it.
    $SIG{__DIE__} = \&Error_Msg;
    sub Error_Msg {
        $msg = "@_";
        print "\nContent-type: text/html\n\n";
        print "The following error occurred : $msg\n";
    # Get the input
    read(STDIN, $input, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'});
        # split the input
        @pairs = split(/&/, $input);
        # split the name/value pairs
        foreach $pair (@pairs) {
        ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair);
        $name =~ tr/+/ /;
        $name =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
        $value =~ tr/+/ /;
        $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
        $value =~ s/<([^>]|\n)*>//g;
      $FORM{$name} = $value;
    # Lets do some translating first
    # EZHomesite modifications: navigator and content, pagepos and
    $login = $FORM{'login'};
    $usrname = $FORM{'usrname'};
    $email = $FORM{'email'};
    $background = $FORM{'background'};
    $background2 = $FORM{'background2'};
    $emailgif = $FORM{'emailgif'};
    $linkc = $FORM{'linkc'};
    $vlinkc = $FORM{'vlinkc'};
    $textc = $FORM{'textc'};
    $fontface = $FORM{'fontface'};
    $headline = $FORM{'headline'};
    $subhead = $FORM{'subhead'};
    $headpos = $FORM{'headpos'};
    $pagepos = $FORM{'pagepos'};
    $topimage = $FORM{'topimage'};
    $line2 = $FORM{'line'};
    $imageyn = "yes";
    $imagepos = $FORM{'imagepos'};
    $imdesc = $FORM{'imdesc'};
    $usrlink1 = $FORM{'usrlink1'};
    $usrlink2 = $FORM{'usrlink2'};
    $usrlink3 = $FORM{'usrlink3'};
    $linkname1 = $FORM{'linkname1'};
    $linkname2 = $FORM{'linkname2'};
    $linkname3 = $FORM{'linkname3'};
    $navigator1 = $FORM{'navigator1'};
    $navigator2 = $FORM{'navigator2'};
    $navigator3 = $FORM{'navigator3'};
    $navigator4 = $FORM{'navigator4'};
    $navigator5 = $FORM{'navigator5'};
    $content = $FORM{'content'};
    $content2 = $FORM{'content2'};
    $content3 = $FORM{'content3'};
    $content4 = $FORM{'content4'};
    $content5 = $FORM{'content5'};
    $images = $FORM{'images'};
    $password = $FORM{'password'};
    $bullet = $FORM{'bullet'};
    $tbltext = $FORM{'tbltext'};
    $updact = $FORM{'updact'};
    # Add the line breaks for paragraph spacing
    #$content =~ s/&&/<br><br>/g;
    $content =~ s/&&/%%/g;
    $content2 =~ s/&&/%%/g;
    $content3 =~ s/&&/%%/g;
    $content4 =~ s/&&/%%/g;
    $content5 =~ s/&&/%%/g;
    # This fixes the bug of white space and
    # other wierd spacing:
    $content =~ s/\cM//g;
    $content =~ s/\n/  /g;
    $content2 =~ s/\cM//g;
    $content2 =~ s/\n/  /g;
    $content3 =~ s/\cM//g;
    $content3 =~ s/\n/  /g;
    $content4 =~ s/\cM//g;
    $content4 =~ s/\n/  /g;
    $content5 =~ s/\cM//g;
    $content5 =~ s/\n/  /g;
    $tbltext =~ s/\cM//g;
    $tbltext =~ s/\n/  /g;
    # If the user tries to add more than one word in
    # the pages name field, this will put an underscore
    # in the spaces to make it one word
    $login =~ s/ /_/g;
    # Find out what the user wants to do
    if ($FORM{'action'} eq "New Site") {
    if ($FORM{'action'} eq "Create Site") {
    if ($FORM{'action'} eq "Edit Site") {
    if ($FORM{'action'} eq "checkuser") {
        if ($FORM{'action'} eq "recreate") {
    if ($FORM{'action'} eq "Delete Site") {
    sub newpage() {
        local($usrname, $mail, $head, $sub, $body, $body2, $body3, $body4, $body5, $bgimage, $bgimage2, $linkcolor, $vlinkcolor, 
            $ahref1, $ahref2, $ahref3, $ahrefname1, $ahref2name, $ahref3name,
                        $password1, $imurl, $hrline, $emailpic, $textcolor, $bullet, $tbltext, 
    $navigator1, $navigator2, $navigator3, $navigator4, $navigator5, $headpos, $pagepos, $imagepos);
    ($usrname, $mail, $bgimage, $bgimage2, $head, $sub, $body, $body2, $body3, $body4, $body5, $linkcolor, $vlinkcolor, 
        $ahref1, $ahref2, $ahref3, $ahrefname1, $ahref2name, $ahref3name, 
        $password1, $imurl, $hrline, $emailpic, $textcolor, $bullet, $tbltext, 
    $navigator1, $navigator2, $navigator3, $navigator4, $navigator5, $headpos, $pagepos, $imagepos) = split(/&&/, "");
    # To avoid any security risks. Take out the HTML tags added when HPM translated
    # the && to: <br><br>. They will be re-translated to: && Once the user updates
    # the page, the: && will be put back to: <br><br>
    $body =~ s/<br><br>/&&/g;
    $body2 =~ s/<br><br>/&&/g;
    $body3 =~ s/<br><br>/&&/g;
    $body4 =~ s/<br><br>/&&/g;
    $body5 =~ s/<br><br>/&&/g;
    # print the edit-page form
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "<html><head><title>Create Your Own Homesite</title></head>\n";
    print "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\" TEXT=\"#000000\" font face=\"Arial\" link=\"#008000\" vlink=\"#800040\">\n";
    print "<center>\n";
    print "<img src=\"$logo\" alt=\"$logoalt\" border=0>\n";
    print "<table width=640 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 border=0>\n";
    print "<tr><td width=100% align=left valign=top>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><p><FONT face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"4\"><h2>Create Your Own Homesite</h2></font></p>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><FONT face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"2\"><p>Below is an empty form for you to fill in. <br>The first five 
    fields are required.\n";
    print "<br>You can edit any part of your site later</font></p>\n";
    print "<form action=\"$cgiurl\" method=POST>\n";
    print "<input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=\"Create Site\">\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Your name:</b></font><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">(will appear in page as link to your email)</font><br>\n";
    print "<input type=text size=40 name=\"usrname\" value=\"$usrname\"><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>The next 3 fields will be used for editing:</b>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Homesite Login and location:</b><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">(One word that would be your webadress. It's also used later for 
    print "<input type=text size=40 name=\"login\" value=\"$login\"><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Your e-mail:</b><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">(For editing and will also appear in page)<br>\n";
    print "<input type=text size=40 name=\"email\" value=\"$mail\"><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Password:</b><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">(One word that will be your password for editing)<br>\n";
    print "<input type=password size=40 name=\"password\" value=\"$password1\"><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Homesite Title:</b><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">\n";
    print "(How your page will be listed in index and the main title of your site)<br></font>\n";
    print "<input type=text size=40 name=\"headline\" value=\"$head\"><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Do you want the title centered:</b>\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"headpos\" value=\"yes\" checked>Yes\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"headpos\" value=\"no\">No</font>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Name on webpages:</b></font><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">(Will also be the name of your navigation links)<br>\n";
    print "Page 1: <input type=text size=40 name=\"navigator1\" value=\"$navigator1\"><br>\n";
    print "Page 2: <input type=text size=40 name=\"navigator2\" value=\"$navigator2\"><br>\n";
    print "Page 3: <input type=text size=40 name=\"navigator3\" value=\"$navigator3\"><br>\n";
    print "Page 4: <input type=text size=40 name=\"navigator4\" value=\"$navigator4\"><br>\n";
    print "Page 5: <input type=text size=40 name=\"navigator5\" value=\"$navigator5\"></font><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Do you want the pages centered:</b> <input type=radio 
    name=\"pagepos\" value=\"yes\" checked>Yes\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"pagepos\" value=\"no\">No</font>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><p><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Slogan:</b></font><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">(Subtitle of your site)</font><br>\n";
    print "<input type=text size=40 name=\"subhead\" value=\"$sub\"><br><br>\n";
    &build_form_body($usrname, $mail, $head, $sub, $body, $body2, $body3, $body4, $body5, $bgimage, $bgimage2, $linkcolor, $vlinkcolor, 
            $ahref1, $ahref2, $ahref3, $ahrefname1, $ahref2name, $ahref3name,
                        $filename, $imurl, $hrline, $emailpic, $textcolor, $fontface, $bullet, $tbltext,
    $navigator1, $navigator2, $navigator3, $navigator4, $navigator5, $headpos, $pagepos, $imagepos);
    print "<input type=submit value=\"Create Site\">\n";
    print "</form>\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">A <a href=\"mailto:$myemail\">$yourtitle</a> Customization Based On <a 
    print "</td></tr></table>\n";
    print "</font></center></body></html>\n";
    sub create {
    # Now, lets do some error checking. Making sure they filled out each field
    # This is pretty low tech now. I'll improve it later
    &missing(missing_name) unless $usrname;
    &missing(missing_email) unless $email;
    &missing(missing_login) unless $login;
    # if they try to name their page "index" This will stop them
    if ($login eq "admin") {
        print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
        print "<html><head><title>Error</title></head>\n";
        print "<body><center><img src=\"$logo\" alt=\"$logoalt\" border=0></center><p>\n";
        print "<p>You cannot name your page <b>index</b>\n";
        print "Please go back and re-name your page</p>\n";
        print "<p>(Return to <a href=\"$baseurl\">Index</a>)\n";
    # if they Don't give their page a heading This will stop them
    if ($headline eq "") {
        print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
        print "<html><head><title>Error</title></head>\n";
        print "<body><p>You MUST give your page a <b>Headline</b>\n";
        print "Please go back and enter one for your page</p>\n";
    # if the user tries to name their page 
    # something that is already taken
    # this will HOPEFULLY stop them :)
    if (-e "$page_dir/$login/index\.html") {
            print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
            print "<html><head><title>Error</title></head>\n";
            print "<body><p>The Homesite Name: <b>$login</b>\n";
            print "is already taken.\n";
            print "Please go back and rename your Homesite</p>\n";
            print "<p>(Return to <a href=\"$baseurl\">Index</a>)\n";
            mkdir ("$base_dir/$login", 0777) || die("Could not create user directory:");
    #now, lets create our new html page
    # Write the login name and email address to a separate file for confirmation
    # when they want to edit their page
    open (FILE, ">>$data") || die "I can't open $data\n";
    if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 2) or die "can't lock data file\n"; }
    print FILE "$login&&$email&&$password\n";
    # Suck the index page, and write the new entry to it
    open(FILE, "$indexpage") || die "I can't open that file\n";
    if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 1) or die "can't lock index file\n"; }
        @lines = <FILE>;
        $sizelines = @lines;
    # Now, re-open the links file, and add the new link
    open(FILE, ">$indexpage") || die "I can't open that file\n";
    if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 2) or die "can't lock index file\n"; }
            for ($a = 0; $a <= $sizelines; $a++) {
            $_ = $lines[$a];
        if (/<!--begin-->/) {
        print FILE "<!--begin-->\n";
        print FILE "<p><FONT face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"3\"><a href=\"$baseurl$login/index.html\">$headline</a></font></p>\n";
            } else {
                print FILE $_;
    # Send the user an e-mail confirming their page
      open (MAIL,"|$sendmail");
      print MAIL "To: $email\n";
      print MAIL "From: $myemail\n";
      print MAIL "Subject: Your URL on $title\n";
      print MAIL "Your site can be viewed at the URL below:\n";
      print MAIL "\n";
      print MAIL "$baseurl$login\n";
      print MAIL "\nThank you for using $title\n";
      print MAIL "\n\nHomesite Manager - $myemail\n";
      close (MAIL);
    # Notify us when someone creates a site
    open (MAIL, "|$sendmail");
      print MAIL "To: $myemail\n";
      print MAIL "From: $email\n";
      print MAIL "Subject: New EZHomesite Report\n";
      print MAIL "$usrname created a New Site:\n";
      print MAIL "$baseurl$login/index.html\n";
      print MAIL "\nThe content is :\n$content\n";
    # Give the user a response
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "<html><head><title>Thanks</title></head>\n";
    print "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" TEXT=\"#000000\" link=\"#008000\" vlink=\"#800040\">\n";
    print "<center><img src=\"$logo\" alt=\"$logoalt\" border=0></center><p>\n";
    print "<BR><BR><FONT face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">\n";
    print "Your site has been created, and you will receive an e-mail confirming this!\n";
    print "Your URL is: <a href=\"$baseurl$login/\">\n";
    print "$baseurl$login/</a> - remember to press Reload\n";
    print "Thanks for your participation!\n";
    print "<p>(Return to <a href=\"$baseurl\">Index</a>)\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">A <a href=\"mailto:$myemail\">$yourtitle</a> Customization Based On <a 
    print "</body></html>\n";
    } else {
    # Give the user a response
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "<html><head><title>Thanks</title></head>\n";
    print "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" TEXT=\"#000000\" link=\"#008000\" vlink=\"#800040\">\n";
    print "<center><img src=\"$logo\" alt=\"$logoalt\" border=0></center><p>\n";
    print "<BR><BR><FONT SIZE=4 FACE=\"ARIAL\">\n";
    print "Your Homesite has been created!\n";
    print "Your URL is: <a href=\"$baseurl$login\">\n";
    print "$baseurl$login/</a> - remember to press Reload\n";
    print "Thanks for your participation!\n";
    print "<p>(Return to <a href=\"$baseurl\">Index</a>)\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">A <a href=\"mailto:$myemail\">$yourtitle</a> Customization Based On <a 
    print "</body></html>\n";
    sub recreate {
    #now, lets create our new html page
    # Send the user a notice that their site has been re-done
      open (MAIL,"|$sendmail");
      print MAIL "To: $email\n";
      print MAIL "From: $myemail\n";
      print MAIL "Subject: Your Changes on the $title\n";
      print MAIL "Your revised site can be viewed at the URL below:\n";
      print MAIL "\n";
      print MAIL "$baseurl$login\n";
      print MAIL "\nOnce again thank you for using the $title\n";
      print MAIL "\n\nThe Homesite Manager\n";
      close (MAIL);
    # Give the user a response
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "<html><head><title>Thanks</title></head>\n";
    print "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" TEXT=\"#000000\" link=\"#008000\" vlink=\"#800040\">\n";
    print "<CENTER><IMG SRC=\"$logo\" alt=\"$logoalt\" border=0></CENTER>\n";
    print "<P><BR><BR><FONT face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">\n";
    print "Your site has been revised, and you will receive an e-mail confirming this!\n";
    print "Your URL is: <a href=\"$baseurl$login\">\n";
    print "$baseurl$login/</a> - remember to press Reload\n";
    print "Thanks for your participation!\n";
    print "<p>(Return to <a href=\"$baseurl\">Index</a>)\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">A <a href=\"mailto:$myemail\">$yourtitle</a> Customization Based On <a 
    print "</body></html>\n";
    } else {
    # Give the user a response
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "<html><head><title>Thanks</title></head>\n";
    print "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" TEXT=\"#000000\" link=\"#008000\" vlink=\"#800040\">\n";
    print "<CENTER><IMG SRC=\"$logo\" alt=\"$logoalt\" border=0></CENTER>\n";
    print "<P><BR><BR><FONT face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">\n";
    print "Your site has been revised!\n";
    print "Your URL is: <a href=\"$baseurl/$login\">\n";
    print "$baseurl$login/</a> - remember to press Reload\n";
    print "Thanks for your participation!\n";
    print "<p>(Return to <a href=\"$baseurl\">Index</a>)\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">A <a href=\"mailto:$myemail\">$yourtitle</a> Customization Based On <a 
    print "</body></html>\n";
    sub buildpage {
    # EZHomesite Modifications  ver 1.00 - 12/10/2000
    open(HTML, ">$page_dir/$login/index.html") || die "I can't create $login/index.html\n";
    if ($win95==0) { flock (HTML, 2) or die "can't lock html file\n"; }
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    # the next few lines are banner printing code
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    print HTML ("\"width=640,height=80\")\;\n");
    print HTML ("//-->\n");
    print HTML ("</SCRIPT>\n");
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    <font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><b>$subhead</b></p>\n";
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    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page3.html\">$navigator3</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page4.html\">$navigator4</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page5.html\">$navigator5</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "</td><td width=\"70%\" valign=\"top\">\n";
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      print HTML "<td><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3>$txtline</font></td></tr>\n";
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      print HTML "\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"left\"><i><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><b>$linkstext:</i></b></font><br>\n";
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    print HTML "";
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    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page3.html\">$navigator3</a></font> \n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page4.html\">$navigator4</a></font> \n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page5.html\">$navigator5</a></font></p>\n";
    print HTML "<p><center>";
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    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"mailto:$email\">$usrname</a></font></center></p>\n";
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    print HTML "<p align=\"left\"><a href=\"\">\n";
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    print HTML "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" valign=\"top\"  background=\"$background2\"><p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">A <a href=\"mailto:$myemail\">$yourtitle</a> Customization Based On <a 
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    open(HTML, ">$page_dir/$login/page2.html") || die "I can't create $login/page2.html\n";
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    print HTML ("\"width=640,height=80\")\;\n");
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    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page3.html\">$navigator3</a></font><br>\n";
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    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page5.html\">$navigator5</a></font><br>\n";
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            print HTML "</center>";
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    else {
    print HTML "<table border=0 cellpadding=5>\n";
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      print HTML "<tr><td valign=top><img src=\"$bullet\"></td>\n";
      print HTML "<td><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3>$txtline</font></td></tr>\n";
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      print HTML "\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"left\"><i><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><b>$linkstext:</i></b></font><br>\n";
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    print HTML "<p align=\"left\"><a href=\"\">\n";
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    print HTML "</td></tr></table></body></html>";
    open(HTML, ">$page_dir/$login/page3.html") || die "I can't create $login/page3.html\n";
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    print HTML ("\"width=640,height=80\")\;\n");
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    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page3.html\">$navigator3</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page4.html\">$navigator4</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page5.html\">$navigator5</a></font><br>\n";
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            print HTML "</center>";
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      print HTML "<tr><td valign=top><img src=\"$bullet\"></td>\n";
      print HTML "<td><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3>$txtline</font></td></tr>\n";
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    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page4.html\">$navigator4</a></font> \n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page5.html\">$navigator5</a></font></p>\n";
    print HTML "<p><center>";
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    print HTML "</td><td width=\"15%\" valign=\"top\"  background=\"$background2\">";
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    print HTML "</td></tr></table></body></html>";
    open(HTML, ">$page_dir/$login/page4.html") || die "I can't create $login/page4.html\n";
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    print HTML ("\"width=640,height=80\")\;\n");
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    <font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><b>$subhead</b></p>\n";
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    print HTML "</tr></td>\n";
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    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page3.html\">$navigator3</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page4.html\">$navigator4</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page5.html\">$navigator5</a></font><br>\n";
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            print HTML "";
        else  {
            print HTML "<img src=\"$topimage\">\n";
    print HTML "</center><p><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><b>$navigator4</b></font>\n";
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        print HTML "</p>\n";
        print HTML "<center>";
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      print HTML "<tr><td valign=top><img src=\"$bullet\"></td>\n";
      print HTML "<td><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3>$txtline</font></td></tr>\n";
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    print HTML "<p align=\"left\"><i><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><b>$linkstext:</i></b></font><br>\n";
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    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page5.html\">$navigator5</a></font></p>\n";
    print HTML "<p><center>";
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    print HTML "</td><td width=\"15%\" valign=\"top\"  background=\"$background2\">";
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    print HTML "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">A <a href=\"mailto:$myemail\">$yourtitle</a> Customization Based On <a 
    print HTML "</td></tr></table></body></html>";
    open(HTML, ">$page_dir/$login/page5.html") || die "I can't create $login/page5.html\n";
    if ($win95==0) { flock (HTML, 2) or die "can't lock html file\n"; }
    print HTML "<html><head><title>$headline</title></head>\n";
    # the next few lines are banner printing code
    print HTML ("<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript>\n");
    print HTML ("<!--\n");
    print HTML ("\"$banner\", \"w3adIAYJAAII\",\n");
    print HTML ("\"width=640,height=80\")\;\n");
    print HTML ("//-->\n");
    print HTML ("</SCRIPT>\n");
    print HTML "<body background=\"$background\" text=$textc link=$linkc vlink=$vlinkc><font face=\"Arial\">\n";
    if ($pagepos eq "yes") {
        print HTML "<center>\n";
    print HTML "<table width=\"80%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"1\"><tr><td colspan=\"3\" height=\"80\"  valign=\"top\"  
        if ($headpos eq "yes") {
        print HTML "<center>\n";
    print HTML "<p><font face=\"$fontface\" size=6>$headline</font><br>
    <font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><b>$subhead</b></p>\n";
        if ($headpos eq "yes") {
        print HTML "</center>\n";
    print HTML "</tr></td>\n";
    print HTML "<tr><td width=\"15%\" valign=\"top\"  background=\"$background2\">\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"index.html\">$navigator1</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page2.html\">$navigator2</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page3.html\">$navigator3</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page4.html\">$navigator4</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page5.html\">$navigator5</a></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "</td><td width=\"70%\" valign=\"top\">\n";
        if ($imageyn eq "yes") {
        if ($imagepos eq "yes") {
        print HTML "<center>\n";
        if (($topimage eq "0") or ($topimage eq "")) {
            print HTML "";
        else  {
            print HTML "<img src=\"$topimage\">\n";
    print HTML "</center><p><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><b>$navigator5</b></font>\n";
        if ($imagepos eq "yes") {
        print HTML "</p>\n";
        print HTML "<center>";
        if (($line2 eq "0") or ($line2 eq "")) {
            print HTML "</center>";
        else {
           print HTML "<p><img src=\"$line2\"></center></p>\n";
    @atxt = split(/%%/, $content5);
    if ($bullet eq "0") {
      foreach $txtline(@atxt) {
          print HTML "<p align=\"left\"><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3>$txtline</font></p>\n";
    else {
    print HTML "<table border=0 cellpadding=5>\n";
    foreach $txtline (@atxt) {
      print HTML "<tr><td valign=top><img src=\"$bullet\"></td>\n";
      print HTML "<td><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3>$txtline</font></td></tr>\n";
    print HTML "</table>\n";
    print HTML "<center>\n";
    print HTML "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5>";
    @all = split(/%%/,$tbltext);
    foreach $tbline (@all) {
        print HTML "<tr>";
        @flds = split(/\:\:/, $tbline);
    foreach $fld (@flds) {
            print HTML "<td><font face=\"$fontface\">$fld</font></td>";
        print HTML "</tr>";
    print HTML "</table>";
    print HTML "</center>";
    if(($csdisplaylinks)&&(($linkname1 ne "")||($linkname2 ne "")||($linkname3 ne ""))){
    if ($bullet eq "0") {
      print HTML "\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"left\"><i><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><b>$linkstext:</i></b></font><br>\n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"$usrlink1\" Target=\"_blank\">$linkname1</a><br>\n";
    print HTML "<a href=\"$usrlink2\" Target=\"_blank\">$linkname2</a><br>\n";
    print HTML "<a href=\"$usrlink3\" Target=\"_blank\">$linkname3</a></font></p>\n";
    if ($bullet eq "0") {
      print HTML "\n";
    print HTML "<p><center>";
    if (($line2 eq "0") or ($line2 eq "")) {
    print HTML "";
        } else {
    print HTML "<img src=\"$line2\"></center></p>\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"index.html\">$navigator1</a></font> \n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page2.html\">$navigator2</a></font> \n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page3.html\">$navigator3</a></font> \n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page4.html\">$navigator4</a></font> \n";
    print HTML "<font face=\"$fontface\" size=3><a href=\"page5.html\">$navigator5</a></font></p>\n";
    print HTML "<p><center>";
    if (($emailgif ne "")&&($emailgif ne "0")) {
        print HTML "<img src=\"$emailgif\"><br>\n";
    print HTML "<a href=\"mailto:$email\">$usrname</a></font></center></p>\n";
    print HTML "</td><td width=\"15%\" valign=\"top\"  background=\"$background2\">";
    print HTML "<p align=\"left\"><a href=\"\">\n";
    print HTML "<img src=\"$imageurl/button.gif\" alt=\"EZHomesite\"></a></p></td></tr>\n";
     if ($pagepos eq "yes") {
        print HTML "</center>\n";
    print HTML "<tr><td colspan=\"3\" valign=\"top\"  background=\"$background2\"><p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">A <a href=\"mailto:$myemail\">$yourtitle</a> Customization Based On <a 
    print HTML "</td></tr></table></body></html>";
    # Write all of the input into a flat file.
    open(FILE, ">$page_dir/$login/page.dat") || die "I can't create page.dat\n";
    if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 2) or die "can't lock user data file\n";  }
    $tbltext =~ s/\n/%%/g;
    print FILE 
    chmod 0777, '$page_dir/$login/page.dat';
    # Standard error message for any missing required fields
    sub missing {
    local ($missing) = @_;
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
        print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>You missed something</TITLE></HEAD>\n";
        print "<BODY>\n";
        print "You forgot to fill in one of the fields. Please go back and make\n";
        print "sure that all required fields are filled in! $missing\n";
    print "</BODY></HTML>\n";
    sub confirm {
        local ($updact) = @_;
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "<html><head><title>$updact Confirmation</title></head>\n";
    print "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" TEXT=\"#000000\" link=\"#008000\" vlink=\"#800040\" >\n";
    print "<CENTER><table width=\"640\"><IMG SRC=\"$logo\" alt=\"$logoalt\"  border=0></CENTER>\n";
    print "<P><BR><FONT SIZE=4 FACE=\"ARIAL\">\n";
    print "<p><h3>Please Enter your Homesite Login, E-mail and Password to $updact</h3></p>\n";
    print "<form action=\"$cgiurl\" method=POST>\n";
    print "<FONT SIZE=4 FACE=\"ARIAL\">\n";
    print "Homesite Login:<br>\n";
    print "<input size=40 type=text name=\"login\"><br>\n";
    print "<input size=40 type=hidden name=\"$login\">\n";
    print "Original E-Mail Address:<br>\n";
    print "<input size=40 type=text name=\"email\"><br>\n";
    print "Password:<br>\n";
    print "<input type=password size=40 name=\"password\"><br>\n";
    print "<input type=submit value=submit>\n";
    print "<input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=\"checkuser\">\n";
    print "<input type=hidden name=\"updact\" value=\"$updact\">\n";
    print "</FONT>\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">A <a href=\"mailto:$myemail\">$yourtitle</a> Customization Based On <a 
    print "</form></table></body></html>\n";
    sub checkuser {
    open(FILE, "$data") || die "I can't open $data\n";  
    if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 1) or die "can't lock data file\n"; }
        while(<FILE>) {
        @all = split(/\n/);
        foreach $line (@all) {
        ($loginname, $loginemail, $loginpassword) = split(/&&/, $line);
        if($loginname eq "$login" && $loginemail eq "$email" && $loginpassword eq "$password") {
            $match = 1;
            if($updact eq "edit") {
            else {
    if (! $match) {
    # del entry from data
    if($updact eq "delete") {
        # Suck the index page, and write the new entry to it
        open(FILE, "$data") || die "I can't open that file\n";
        if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 1) or die "can't lock data file\n"; }
            @lines = <FILE>;
            $sizelines = @lines;
        # Now, re-open the links file, and comment out the page to delete
        open(FILE, ">$data") || die "I can't open that file\n";
        if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 2) or die "can't lock index file for append\n"; }
                for ($a = 0; $a <= $sizelines; $a++) {
                $_ = $lines[$a];
                $w = $_;
                $w =~ s/\cM//g;
                $w =~ s/\n//g;
        ($loginname, $loginemail, $loginpassword) = split(/&&/, $w);
        if($loginname eq "$login" && $loginemail eq "$email" && $loginpassword eq "$password") {
              # do nothing  (ie. don't write)
            else {
              if($w eq "") {
                # do nothing (skip)
              else {
                print FILE "$w\n";
        print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
        print "<html><head><title>$updact Confirmation</title></head>\n";
        print "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" TEXT=\"#000000\" link=\"#008000\" vlink=\"#800040\" >\n";
        print "<CENTER><IMG SRC=\"$logo\" alt=\"$logoalt\" border=0></CENTER>\n";
        print "<P><BR><FONT SIZE=4 FACE=\"ARIAL\">\n";
        print "<p>Your page has been deleted";
        print "<p>(Return to <a href=\"$baseurl\">Index</a>)\n";
        print "</form></body></html>\n";
    sub edit {
        local ($editfile) = @_;
            open(FILE, "$page_dir/$login/page.dat") || die "I can't open page.dat\n";
        if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 1) or die "can't lock data file for edit\n"; }
        while(<FILE>) {
        @datafile = split(/\n/);
        foreach $line (@datafile) {
    sub delpage {
        local ($editfile) = @_;
            $cnt=unlink "$page_dir/$login/page.dat", "$page_dir/$login/index.html", "$page_dir/$login/page2.html", "$page_dir/$login/page3.html", "$page_dir/
    $login/page4.html", "$page_dir/$login/page5.html";
            rmdir ("$page_dir/$login");
        # Suck the index page, and write the new entry to it
        open(FILE, "$indexpage") || die "I can't open that file\n";
        if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 1) or die "can't lock index file\n"; }
            @lines = <FILE>;
            $sizelines = @lines;
        # Now, re-open the links file, and comment out the page to delete
        open(FILE, ">$indexpage") || die "I can't open that file\n";
        if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 2) or die "can't lock index file to delete entry\n"; }
                for ($a = 0; $a <= $sizelines; $a++) {
                $_ = $lines[$a];
            if (/$login/) {
              # do nothing  (ie. don't write)
            else {
              print FILE $_;
    sub csreeditentry {
        local ($editfile) = @_;
        # Suck the index page, and write the new entry to it
        open(FILE, "$indexpage") || die "I can't open that file\n";
        if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 1) or die "can't lock index file\n"; }
            @lines = <FILE>;
            $sizelines = @lines;
        # Now, re-open the links file, and comment out the page to delete
        open(FILE, ">$indexpage") || die "I can't open that file\n";
        if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 2) or die "can't lock index file to delete entry\n"; }
                for ($a = 0; $a <= $sizelines; $a++) {
                $_ = $lines[$a];
            if (/$login/) {
              # do nothing  (ie. don't write)
            else {
              print FILE $_;
    # Suck the index page, and write the new entry to it
     open(FILE, "$indexpage") || die "I can't open that file\n";
     if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 1) or die "can't lock index file\n"; }
        @lines = <FILE>;
        $sizelines = @lines;
    # Now, re-open the links file, and add the new link
     open(FILE, ">$indexpage") || die "I can't open that file\n";
     if ($win95==0) { flock (FILE, 2) or die "can't lock index file\n"; }
            for ($a = 0; $a <= $sizelines; $a++) {
            $_ = $lines[$a];
        if (/<!--begin-->/) {
        print FILE "<!--begin-->\n";
        print FILE "<p><font face=\"Arial,Verdana\" size=3><a href=\"$baseurl$login/index.html\">$headline</a></font></p>\n";
            } else {
                print FILE $_;
    sub build_edit_form($line) {
        local ($line) = @_;
        local($fullname, $mail, $head, $sub, $body, $body2, $body3, $body4, $body5, $bgimage, $bgimage2, $linkcolor, $vlinkcolor, 
            $ahref1, $ahref2, $ahref3, $ahrefname1, $ahref2name, $ahref3name,
                $password1, $imurl, $hrline, $emailpic, $textcolor, $fontface, $bullet, $tbltext,
    $navigator1, $navigator2, $navigator3, $navigator4, $navigator5, $headpos, $pagepos,$imagepos);
    ($fullname, $mail, $bgimage, $bgimage2, $head, $sub, $body, $body2, $body3, $body4, $body5, $linkcolor, $vlinkcolor, $ahref1, $ahref2,
     $ahref3, $ahrefname1, $ahref2name, $ahref3name, $password1, $imurl, $hrline, $emailpic, 
     $textcolor, $fontface, $bullet, $tbltext, $navigator1, $navigator2, $navigator3, $navigator4, $navigator5, $headpos, $pagepos, $imagepos) = split(/&&/, 
    # To avoid any security risks. Take out the HTML tags added when HPM translated
    # the && to: <br><br>. They will be re-translated to: && Once the user updates
    # the page, the: && will be put back to: <br><br> on all pages
    $body =~ s/<br><br>/&&/g;
    $body2 =~ s/<br><br>/&&/g;
    $body3 =~ s/<br><br>/&&/g;
    $body4 =~ s/<br><br>/&&/g;
    $body5 =~ s/<br><br>/&&/g;
    # print the edit-page form
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "<html><head><title>Edit Your Page</title></head>\n";
    print "<body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\" TEXT=\"#000000\" link=\"#008000\" vlink=\"#800040\">\n";
    print "<center>\n";
    print "<img src=\"$logo\" alt=\"$logoalt\" border=0>\n";
    print "<table width=640 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2 border=0>\n";
    print "<tr><td width=100% align=left valign=top>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><p><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"6\"><h2>Edit Your Page</h2></font></p>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><p><FONT face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"2\">Below is a form with the contents\n";
    print "of the Homesite you created. You can edit any part of your site.</font></p>\n";
    print "<form action=\"$cgiurl\" method=POST>\n";
    print "<input type=hidden name=\"action\" value=\"recreate\">\n";
    print "<input type=hidden size=40 name=\"login\" value=\"$login\">\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">Your name:<br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><input type=text size=40 name=\"usrname\" value=\"$fullname\"><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">Your e-mail:</font><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><input type=text size=40 name=\"email\" value=\"$mail\"><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">Homesite Title:</font><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><input type=text size=40 name=\"headline\" value=\"$head\"><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Do you want the title centered:</b> <input type=radio 
    name=\"headpos\" value=\"yes\"\n";
    if ($headpos eq "yes") { print " checked";}
    print ">Yes<input type=radio name=\"headpos\" value=\"no\"\n";
    if ($headpos eq "no") { print " checked";}
    print ">No</font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Name on webpages:</b>\n";
    print "</font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">(Will also be the name of your navigation links)
    print "<font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">Page 1: <input type=text size=40 name=\"navigator1\" value=\"$navigator1\"><br>\n";
    print "Page 2: <input type=text size=40 name=\"navigator2\" value=\"$navigator2\"><br>\n";
    print "Page 3: <input type=text size=40 name=\"navigator3\" value=\"$navigator3\"><br>\n";
    print "Page 4: <input type=text size=40 name=\"navigator4\" value=\"$navigator4\"><br>\n";
    print "Page 5: <input type=text size=40 name=\"navigator5\" value=\"$navigator5\"></font><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Pages centered:</b> <input type=radio name=\"pagepos\" 
    if ($pagepos eq "yes") { print " checked";}
    print ">Yes<input type=radio name=\"pagepos\" value=\"no\"\n";
    if ($pagepos eq "no") { print " checked";}
    print ">No</font><b></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">Slogan:</font></b><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><input type=text size=40 name=\"subhead\" value=\"$sub\"><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">Password: Not available</font><br><br>\n";
    print "<input type=hidden name=\"password\" value=\"$password1\">\n";
    &build_form_body($fullname, $mail, $head, $sub, $body, $body2, $body3, $body4, $body5, $bgimage, $bgimage2, $linkcolor, $vlinkcolor, 
            $ahref1, $ahref2, $ahref3, $ahrefname1, $ahref2name, $ahref3name,
                $password1, $imurl, $hrline, $emailpic, $textcolor, $fontface, $bullet, $tbltext,
    $navigator1, $navigator2, $navigator3, $navigator4, $navigator5, $headpos, $pagepos, $imagepos);
    print "<P><input type=submit value=\"Update Site\">\n";
    print "</form>\n";
    print "</td></tr></table>\n";
    print HTML "<p align=\"center\"><font face=\"Arial, Verdana\" size=\"2\">A <a href=\"mailto:$myemail\">$yourtitle</a> Customization Based On <a 
    print "</font></center></body></html>\n";
    sub build_form_body($fullname, $mail, $head, $sub, $body, $body2, $body3, $body4, $body5, $bgimage, $bgimage2, $linkcolor, $vlinkcolor, 
            $ahref1, $ahref2, $ahref3, $ahrefname1, $ahref2name, $ahref3name,
                $password1, $imurl, $hrline, $emailpic, $textcolor, $fontface, $bullet, $tbltext,
    $navigator1, $navigator2, $navigator3, $navigator4, $navigator5, $headpos, $pagepos, $imagepos) {
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Pick Your Photo From The Gallery:</b>\n";
    print "</font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white>\n";
          opendir (TN, "$tnp_dir");
          rewinddir (TN);
          @tnlist =  grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir (TN));
          closedir (TN);
       $tnnum = @tnlist;
       $cnum = "0";
       print "<input type=radio name=\"topimage\" value=\"0\"><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">No Graphic</font></a><br><br>\n";
       $lend = "0";   
    while ($tnnum > $cnum) {
       print "<input type=radio name=\"topimage\" value=\"$tnp_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\" ";
       if ($imurl eq "$tnp_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]") {print "checked";}
       print "><img src=\"$tnp_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\" border=0></a>\n";
       $cnum = $cnum + 1;
       $lend = $lend + 1;
       if ($lend eq "4"){
       print "<br><br>\n";
       $lend = 0;
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Do you want the image centered? :</b> <input type=radio 
    name=\"imagepos\" value=\"yes\"\n";
    if ($imagepos eq "yes") { print " checked";}
    print ">Yes<input type=radio name=\"imagepos\" value=\"no\"\n";
    if ($imagepos eq "no") { print " checked";}
    # EZHomesite enhanced
    print ">No</font>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Body Page 1:</b> (use two percent signs (<b>%%</b>) 
    BETWEEN paragraphs)</font><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><textarea cols=50 rows=6 wrap=on name=\"content\">$body</textarea><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Body Page 2:</b> (use two percent signs (<b>%%</b>) 
    BETWEEN paragraphs)</font><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><textarea cols=50 rows=6 wrap=on name=\"content2\">$body2</textarea><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Body Page 3:</b> (use two percent signs (<b>%%</b>) 
    BETWEEN paragraphs)</font><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><textarea cols=50 rows=6 wrap=on name=\"content3\">$body3</textarea><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Body Page 4:</b> (use two percent signs (<b>%%</b>) 
    BETWEEN paragraphs)</font><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><textarea cols=50 rows=6 wrap=on name=\"content4\">$body4</textarea><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Body Page 5:</b> (use two percent signs (<b>%%</b>) 
    BETWEEN paragraphs)</font><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><textarea cols=50 rows=6 wrap=on name=\"content5\">$body5</textarea><br><br>\n";
    print << 'END'
    </td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" size="1"><b>Table (Optional: Will appear below body text on every pages):</b>
    </td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><font face="verdana, helvetica, arial" size="1"><br>Use two percent signs (<b>%%</b>) BETWEEN rows, use 2 colons 
    (<b>::</b>) BETWEEN fields.  for example (you can copy and paste the example for a start):
    <pre><font size=2>
       SU :: MO :: TU :: WE :: TH :: FR :: SA
    %%    ::    ::    ::  1 ::  2 ::  3 ::  4
    %%  5 ::  6 ::  7 ::  8 ::  9 :: 10 :: 11
    %% 12 :: 13 :: 14 :: 15 :: 16 :: 17 :: 18
    %% 19 :: 20 :: 21 :: 22 :: 23 :: 24 :: 25
    %% 26 :: 27 :: 28 :: 29 :: 30 :: 31
    $tbltext =~ s/%%/\n%%/g;
    print "<textarea cols=50 rows=6 wrap=on name=\"tbltext\">$tbltext</textarea></font><br><br>";
    } else {
    $tbltext =~ s/%%/\n%%/g;
    print "<input type=hidden name=\"tbltext\" value=\"$tbltext\">\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>$linkstext</b></text><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white><table width=80% cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0>\n";
    print "<tr><td width=50% align=left valign=top>\n";
    print "<font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">Link 1 URL:</font><br>\n";
    print "<input type=text size=40 name=\"usrlink1\" value=\"$ahref1\"></font><br><br>\n";
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    print "<input type=text size=40 name=\"usrlink2\" value=\"$ahref2\"></font><br><br>\n";
    print "<font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">Link 3 URL:</font><br>\n";
    print "<input type=text size=40 name=\"usrlink3\" value=\"$ahref3\"><br><br>\n";
    print "</td>\n";
    print "<td width=50% align=left valign=top>\n";
    print "<font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">Link 1 Name:</font><br>\n";
    print "<input type=text size=40 name=\"linkname1\" value=\"$ahrefname1\"><br><br>\n";
    print "<font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">Link 2 Name:</font><br>\n";
    print "<input type=text size=40 name=\"linkname2\" value=\"$ahref2name\"><br><br>\n";
    print "<font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">Link 3 Name:</font><br>\n";
    print "<input type=text size=40 name=\"linkname3\" value=\"$ahref3name\"><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr></table>\n";
    } else {
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"usrlink1\" value=\"$ahref1\">\n";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"usrlink2\" value=\"$ahref2\">\n";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"usrlink3\" value=\"$ahref3\">\n";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"linkname1\" value=\"$ahrefname1\">\n";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"linkname2\" value=\"$ahrefname2\">\n";
     print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"linkname3\" value=\"$ahrefname2\">\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Text</b></font><br>\n";
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        print "><font color=\"Green\">Green</font>\n";
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        if ($textcolor eq "#ffffff") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"White\">White\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"textc\" value=\"#0000ff\"";
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        print "><font color=\"Blue\">Blue</font><br><br>\n";
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    print "<input type=radio name=\"linkc\" value=\"#000000\"";
        if ($linkcolor eq "#000000") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"#000000\">Black\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"linkc\" value=\"#800000\"";
        if ($linkcolor eq "#800000") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"Maroon\">Maroon</font>\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"linkc\" value=\"#ff0000\"";
        if ($linkcolor eq "#ff0000") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"Red\">Red</font>\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"linkc\" value=\"#ffff00\"";
        if ($linkcolor eq "#ffff00") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"Yellow\">Yellow</font>\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"linkc\" value=\"#00ff00\"";
        if ($linkcolor eq "#00ff00") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"Green\">Green</font>\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"linkc\" value=\"#ffffff\"";
        if ($linkcolor eq "#ffffff") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"White\">White\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"linkc\" value=\"#0000ff\"";
        if ($linkcolor eq "#0000ff") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"Blue\">Blue</font><br><br>\n";
    print "<font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\" color=\"black\">Visited Link Color:</font><br>\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"vlinkc\" value=\"#000000\"";
        if ($vlinkcolor eq "#000000") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"#000000\">Black\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"vlinkc\" value=\"#800000\"";
        if ($vlinkcolor eq "#800000") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"Maroon\">Maroon</font>\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"vlinkc\" value=\"#ff0000\"";
        if ($vlinkcolor eq "#ff0000") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"Red\">Red</font>\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"vlinkc\" value=\"#ffff00\"";
        if ($vlinkcolor eq "#ffff00") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"Yellow\">Yellow</font>\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"vlinkc\" value=\"#00ff00\"";
        if ($vlinkcolor eq "#00ff00") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"Green\">Green</font>\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"vlinkc\" value=\"#ffffff\"";
        if ($vlinkcolor eq "#ffffff") {print "checked";}
        print "><font color=\"White\">White\n";
    print "<input type=radio name=\"vlinkc\" value=\"#0000ff\"";
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        print "><font color=\"Blue\">Blue</font><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Font face:</b></font><br>\n";
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        if ($fontface eq "Arial") {print "checked";}
        print "><font face=\"Arial\">Arial</font><br><br>\n";
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        print "><font face=\"Times\">Times</a><br><br>\n";
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        print "><font face=\"Verdana\">Verdana</font><br><br>\n";
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        if ($fontface eq "Georgia,times") {print "checked";}
        print "><font face=\"Georgia,times\">Georgia</font><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Background color:</b><br>\n";
    print "</font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white>\n";
          opendir (TN, "$tnbg_dir");
          rewinddir (TN);
          @tnlist =  grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir (TN));
          closedir (TN);
       $tnnum = @tnlist;
       $cnum = "0";
       $lend = "0";   
       while ($tnnum > $cnum) {
          print "<input type=radio name=\"background\" value=\"$tnbg_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\" " ;
          if ($bgimage eq "$tnbg_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]") {print "checked";}
          print "><img src=\"$tnbg_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\" border=1></a>\n";
          $cnum = $cnum + 1;
    $lend = $lend + 1;
       if ($lend eq "5"){
       print "<br><br>\n";
       $lend = 0;
    print "<br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Contrast color:</b><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white>\n";
          opendir (TN, "$tnbg_dir");
          rewinddir (TN);
          @tnlist =  grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir (TN));
          closedir (TN);
       $tnnum = @tnlist;
       $cnum = "0";
       $lend = "0";   
       while ($tnnum > $cnum) {
          print "<input type=radio name=\"background2\" value=\"$tnbg_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\" " ;
          if ($bgimage2 eq "$tnbg_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]") {print "checked";}
          print "><img src=\"$tnbg_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\" border=1></a>\n";
          $cnum = $cnum + 1;
    $lend = $lend + 1;
       if ($lend eq "5"){
       print "<br><br>\n";
       $lend = 0;
    print "</font><br><br>\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Horizontal Line:</b><br>\n";
    print "</font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white>\n";
          opendir (TN, "$tn_dir");
          rewinddir (TN);
          @tnlist =  grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir (TN));
          closedir (TN);
       $tnnum = @tnlist;
       $cnum = "0";
          print "<input type=radio name=\"line\" value=\"0\"";
          if ($line2 eq "0") { print " checked";}
          print "><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">No Line</font><br><br>\n";
       while ($tnnum > $cnum) {
          print "<input type=radio name=\"line\" value=\"$tn_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\"";
          if ($hrline eq "$tn_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]") {print "checked";}
          print "><img src=\"$tn_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\" border=0></a><br><br>\n";
          $cnum = $cnum + 1;
          print "\n";
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>Bullet:</b><br>\n";
    print "</font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white>\n";
          opendir (TN, "$tnb_dir");
          rewinddir (TN);
          @tnlist =  grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir (TN));
          closedir (TN);
       $tnnum = @tnlist;
       $cnum = "0";
       print "<input type=radio name=\"bullet\" value=\"0\"";
       if($bullet eq "0") {print "checked";}
       print "><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\">No Bullet</font><br><br>\n";
       $lend = "0";   
    while ($tnnum > $cnum) {
          print "<input type=radio name=\"bullet\" value=\"$tnb_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\"";
          if ($bullet eq "$tnb_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]") {print "checked";}
          print "><img src=\"$tnb_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\" border=0></a>\n";
          $cnum = $cnum + 1;
        $lend = $lend + 1;
          if ($lend eq "10"){
        print "<br><br>\n";
        $lend = 0;
    if(! $csdisplaymailto){
     print "<input type=hidden name=\"emailgif\" value=\"$emailpic\">\n";
    } else {
    print "</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=lightgrey><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\" size=\"1\"><b>E-mail image:</b><br>\n";
    print "</font></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor=white>\n";
          opendir (TN, "$tne_dir");
          rewinddir (TN);
          @tnlist =  grep(!/^\.\.?$/, readdir (TN));
          closedir (TN);
       $tnnum = @tnlist;
       $cnum = "0";
       $lend = "0";   
    while ($tnnum > $cnum) {
          print "<input type=radio name=\"emailgif\" value=\"$tne_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\"";
          if ($emailpic eq "$tne_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]") {print "checked";}
          print "><img src=\"$tne_dir_url/$tnlist[$cnum]\" border=0></a></font>\n";
          $cnum = $cnum + 1;
        $lend = $lend + 1;
          if ($lend eq "4"){
        print "<br><br>\n";
        $lend = 0;
    sub error {
        local ($updact) = @_;
    print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
    print "<html><head><title>Permission Denied</title></head>\n";
    print "<body>\n";
    print "<p><font face=\"verdana, helvetica, arial\"><h1>Permission Denied</h1></p>\n";
    print "You do not have permission $updact\n";
    print "<p>(Return to <a href=\"$baseurl\">Index</a>)</font>\n";
    print "</body></html>\n";
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 16, 2007
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    Duplicate of [thread=3421]Help with ezhomesite script[/thread]. Thread closed.
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