Please every body help me ! I'm new programmer in assembly programming ! I have a good idea on assembly programming ! I have a problem on compiling ,running so please help me how to run assembly programming using CMD (dos command ) ,and how to set the environment for running ! please am waiting soon.
With what assembler and linker I run the following code from Dos Command lOOK over the files that I attached
pls look over the code that I attached and tell me with what assembler and Linker that I'm going to run this program. Code: hex $ code segment main proc mov ax,data mov ds,ax call inpurt mov bl,al call display call CrLf Call message2 mov ax,$4C00 int $21 main Endp input proc mov ah,$09 mov dx,offset input int $21 mov ah,$08 int $21 ret input Endp display proc mov ah,$02 mov dl,bl mov $21 ret display Endp CrLf proc mov ah,$02 mov dl,$0d int $21 mov ah,$02 mov dl,$0a int $21 ret CrLf Endp message2 proc mov ah,$02 mov dl,bl inc dl int $21 message2 endp code ends Stack segment stack 0400 Data segment character db "Enter a character:$" message db "the letter you typed was:$" End
i think i am a good programmer. and also i can help you too. but actually what is your problem. without knowing your problem how can i prefer a solution?
The source is using a mixture of 2 syntaxes ... Intel syntax and Gas Syntax.. Your code cannot be assembled.. You have to follow 1 syntax...