Need help with emailing, expert help wanted

Discussion in 'Database' started by momo52, Jan 16, 2008.

  1. momo52

    momo52 New Member

    Jan 16, 2008
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    I was wondering is there any way possible to obtain every email in for eg hotmail?
    Or are there any programs or anything i can do, maybe type in secret lil codes to be able to send an email to everyone on hotmail (for example).
    Any hacks of database that will allow me to do this?
    I would think there is a way, as the administrators are able to do so in hotmail, im sure there should be a way to replicate what they do?
    Please post
    You would be helping me out alot
    If any one knows a way could u please post it
    You would be the best
    Thanks in advance

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