Hi all. I have managed to get this code that seems to do what I want but doesnt show the values.its builds a dropdownlist and loads values into it and show the prints the values on the page.the problem is that it doesnt show any errors and doesnt display the values either. Someone please help.I need this figured out as soon as now. Code: <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> <!-- METADATA TYPE="typelib" FILE="C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado\msado15.dll" --> <% Option Explicit '-- Variables we are using dim objConn, objRS, objRS2, strSQL '-- Define our objects Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set objRS2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") '-- Database path and Data provider objConn.ConnectionString = Server.MapPath("C:\dropdowns.mdb") objConn.Provider = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" objConn.Open '-- Sub Procedure that builds the dropdown list Sub showDropDownList(c, r, table) '-- SQL Statement strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & tblDropDownTest & " ORDER BY Title ASC" '-- Execute our SQL statement and store the recordset Set r = c.Execute(strSQL) '-- If we have records to return if r.eof = false then '-- Open a form/select tag Response.Write "<form name=""form1"">" Response.Write "<select name=""dropdownlist"">" & vbCrLf Response.Write "<option selected=""selected"" value="""">Choose....</option>" '-- loop and build each database entry as a selectable option While r.EOF = false Response.Write "<option value=""Index.html"">" _ & r.Fields("Title").Value & "</option>" & vbCrLf '-- Move recordset to the next value r.movenext Wend else response.write"<"Sorry, no records selected">" end if '-- close select/form tags Response.Write "</select></form>" & vbCrLf End Sub '-- Sub Procedure that builds the dropdown list Sub showDropDownList2(c, r, table) '-- SQL Statement strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & tblDropDownTest & " ORDER BY Title ASC" '-- Execute our SQL statement and store the recordset r.Open strSQL, c, 3, 3 '-- If we have records to return if r.eof = false then '-- Open a form/select tag Response.Write "<form name=""form1"">" Response.Write "<select name=""dropdownlist"">" & vbCrLf '-- loop and build each database entry as a selectable option 'filter r.Filter = ("Type = 'fruit'") Response.Write "<option selected=""selected"" value="""">Choose....</option>" Response.Write "<optgroup label=""Fruit""></optgroup>" While r.EOF = false Response.Write "<option value=""Index.html"">" _ & r.Fields("Title").Value & "</option>" & vbCrLf '-- Move recordset to the next value r.movenext Wend r.Filter = adFilterNone r.Filter = ("Type = 'veg'") Response.Write "<optgroup label=""Veg""></optgroup>" While r.EOF = false Response.Write "<option value=""Index.html"">" _ & r.Fields("Title").Value & "</option>" & vbCrLf '-- Move recordset to the next value r.movenext Wend end if '-- close select/form tags Response.Write "</select></form>" & vbCrLf End Sub %> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Dynamic dropdown lists in ASP(VBScript) - designplace.org</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="description" content="Dynamic dropdown lists using Active Server Pages and Microsoft Access" /> <meta name="Author" content="Matt Millross" /> </head> <body> <h1>Dynamic dropdown lists using Active Server Pages and Microsoft Access</h1> <p>Below is an example of a drop down list, dynamically populated from a database table.</p> <p> <% ' -- Call the sub procedure to build the drop down list, with the connection and recordset objects and the source table (In quotes). call showDropDownList(objConn, objRS, "tblDropDownTest") Sub showDropDownList(c, r, table) '-- SQL Statement strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & tblDropDownTest & " ORDER BY Title ASC" '-- Execute our SQL statement and store the recordset Set r = c.Execute(strSQL) '-- If we have records to return if r.eof = false then '-- Open a form/select tag Response.Write "<form name=""form1"">" Response.Write "<select name=""dropdownlist"">" & vbCrLf Response.Write "<option selected=""selected"" value="""">Choose....</option>" '-- loop and build each database entry as a selectable option While r.EOF = false Response.Write "<option value=""Index.html"">" _ & r.Fields("Title").Value & "</option>" & vbCrLf '-- Move recordset to the next value r.movenext Wend else response.write"<"Sorry, no records selected">" end if '-- close select/form tags Response.Write "</select></form>" & vbCrLf End Sub %> </p> <p>Here is the same drop down list, but this time it has been filtered to show fruit first under a heading, then veg.</p> <p> <% ' -- Call the sub procedure to build the drop down list, with the connection and recordset objects and the source table (In quotes). call showDropDownList2(objConn, objRS2, "tblDropDownTest") %> </p> <p>© designplace.org - Feb 2003</p> </body> </html>