Hi all, I need urgent help! I write windows service wich communicates with a web server with php. I'm using class W3Client ( http://www.codeproject.com/internet/w3client.asp ) for web requests. I have a directory content stored in C++ vector and need to post it to webpage. Here is stored file or dir information information: Code: class DirectoryElement { private: string Name; string fullPath; int Type; long Size; public: DirectoryElement(); void setName( string name ); string getName(); void setFullPath( string name ); string getFullPath(); void setType( int type ); int getType(); void setSize( long size ); long getSize(); }; This is storage for all files and folders in one dir: vector<DirectoryElement> Elements; And I try to send them with this function: Code: void Commandexec::sendDir() { W3Client w3; cout<<"Using server: "<<cmdIng.getCommandingServer()<<" for sending dirs"<<endl; if( w3.Connect( cmdIng.getCommandingServer().c_str() ) ){ w3.AddPostArgument("start_session", 1); w3.AddPostArgument("currpath", dirList.GetCurrentPath().c_str()); if(w3.Request("/commanding/dirs.php", W3Client::reqPost)){ for( int j = 0; j<dirList.Elements.size(); j++ ){ w3.AddPostArgument("start_session", 0); w3.AddPostArgument("FileNo", j); w3.AddPostArgument("File", dirList.Elements[j].getName().c_str()); w3.AddPostArgument("FullPath", dirList.Elements[j].getFullPath().c_str()); w3.AddPostArgument("Type", dirList.Elements[j].getType()); w3.AddPostArgument("Size", dirList.Elements[j].getSize()); if(w3.Request("/commanding/dirs.php", W3Client::reqPost)){ } } } } w3.Close(); } And this function do not work.... This is php code: Code: <?php include("config.php"); $ip = $REMOTE_ADDR; $conn = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass); if(!$conn) die(0); $dbselect = mysql_select_db($database, $conn); if(!$dbselect) die(0); $dbret = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM command WHERE id=0", $conn); $dbdata = mysql_fetch_array($dbret); if($dbdata[3] == $ip){ if($_POST["start_session"] == 1 ){ mysql_query("DELETE FROM dirlist", $conn); $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO dirlist(id, Name, FullPath, Type, Size) VALUES(0, '%s', 'currpath', 0, 0)", $_POST["currpath"]); mysql_query($query, $conn); }else{ $query = sprintf("INSERT INTO dirlist(id, Name, FullPath, Type, Size) VALUES(%d, '%s', '%s', %d, %d)", $_POST["FileNo"], $_POST["File"], $_POST["FullPath"], $_POST["Type"], $_POST["Size"]); mysql_query($query, $conn); } } mysql_close($conn); ?> All code is dirty, stupid and ... but I have no time! Please help me! I'm hurry!