Hi all, here is the code ----------------------------- char * date; time_t timer; timer = time(NULL); date = asctime(localtime(&timer)); printf("Current Date: %s", date); getchar(); return 0; ------------------------------ I'm trying to print a double number to generate a unique key thank you
Sure! If you look at the code, it prints the date as a string, for example the result will be Fri July 04 2008 12:00 p.m. I want to print this instead: 07042008 or 070420081200 or convert the sting "Fri July 04 2008 12:00p.m." to double I tried atof() but gives me 0.000 thank you
you can do that by using _strdate function Code: #include<stdio.h> #include<time.h> int main(void) { char datebuf[9]; _strdate(datebuf); printf("Date : %s",datebuf); return 0; } similarly you may use _strtime for time and if you want to make a program where you enter the date in the format you specified you may convert that string to the output you want without using any function,if you want that please reply here
and i have posted an article on date and time management functions of C, please visit that, that may help you
Thank you so much guys ! I was using CVI which got its own time functions, but what you gave me helped.