ok this is pretty basic up i cant figure it out. here it is. i downloaded fedora. witch i really dont know what i am looking for but i looked pretty good, so i clicked the download button. and i was happy, eager but happy. so download finished, there i am with a 4gb iso image of the fedora boot disc and i really dont know what to do with it. do i have to burn it to a disc and boot it like that. if so i have tryed that and i must have failed. i but the disc in restarted the computer pressed F8 to go into the boot opions and then i selected the disc drive, and it just started loading windows. so i have no clue what i am supposed to do with this massive iso. please help. need linux...
thats why i said u already " download ubuntu or mint, it will be much more easier and user friendly like windows". u never heard it. Its k. boot the iso and install it. when it asks about the partitioning, click manual and partition i urself. Dont forget to allocate swap space. Best of luck
you really think i would be better off with these two other versions? ok well you know more about these things the i do, i think that goes without saying. so that leaves me with three questions. 1. witch do you think would be better for me. 2. what is the difference between them 3. what do i do with them after i download them. i am guessing they will also come as an iso, so what do i have to do with that iso. do i have to mount the iso and then burn it to a dvd? or is there a way i can just mount the image some how and boot it? please your input is vary valued to me.
1. Ubuntu is the exact one for u. 2. difference is the ease of use. (for e.g in ubuntu u can import the user accounts from windows, and most of the shortcuts will be similar to windows.) 3. download the iso and burn the iso to a CD.(ubuntu is just 695 MB). and boot it. U can't mount the image file and install it.
regarding installation i cannot give u a detailed guide. Follow the instructions in the link below http://www.debianadmin.com/ubuntu-edgy-eft-desktop-installation-with-screenshots.html