Need help with assembly using 6800

Discussion in 'Assembly Language Programming (ALP) Forum' started by ant, Apr 21, 2007.

  1. ant

    ant New Member

    Apr 21, 2007
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    if anyone knows how to program 6800 assembly please help icon_surprised.gif
    its for a mini assignment for a class at uni (im doing multimedia, have absolutely no interest in programming, but this is a compulsory class that i have to pass >.< )
    and it doesnt help that the tutor has the worst asian accent nobody can understand :mad:

    anyways, the questions are:

    Write a 6800 program to sum up all values between 1 and N (N>0). Then determine if the sum is an even or odd number.
    The value for N should be stored in memory location 0. Memory locations 1 and 2 are used to for storing result. If the sum is odd, sum will be stored to location 1, while location 2 will be set to 0. If the sum is even, sum will be stored to location 2, while location 1 will be set to 0.


    Write a 6800 program to compute the Hamming distance between two of words. Your program should contain the following subroutines:
    * OR. This subroutine performs bit-wise OR between two words. The start of this subroutine should be at memory location 400 (octal).
    * XOR. This subroutine performs bit-wise XOR between two words. It uses OR subroutine. The start of this subroutine should be at memory location 600.
    * CntOnes. This subrountine counts the number of bits which are 1 in a word. The start of this subroutine should be at memory location 1000 (octal).
    Input and output values should be stored anywhere on page 5 (between 1200 to 1377) of the memory.

    if anyone can help please reply here
  2. weirdfo

    weirdfo New Member

    May 14, 2007
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    U dont by any chance go to Griffith Uni in AU???
  3. DaWei

    DaWei New Member

    Dec 6, 2006
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    Their reason for expecting you to pass this course might or might not be BS. I suppose you ought to do it on your own. That would mean making some genuine attempts and then posting your attempts and asking for help with the areas in which they fail. Contrary to some beliefs, this is not a free homework-solution agency.

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