hi guys im new here and i appreciate this site well i have problem in my asp class can you guys help me pls....its very important how to search? example i have textbox and a search button if i will click the search button it will display what i inputed in textbox.or the form will display. pls.. guys help me asp code with vbscript not asp.net pls...
Just submit the form using a variable say <form method="get" action="search.asp?do=ShowResults"> Now Depending on the content of the do variable either display the form or the results. Code: e.g. if request.querystring("do") = "ShowResults" then 'Show Results here else 'Show the form end if
thank you shabbir how about poll? yes/no option then when i click either of the two option the progress bar will update? how to make this one? pls........ thank you..... do you have some tutorial in asp?
Which progress bar you are talking about? Look at [thread=4]Begining ASP[/thread] thread for some good ASP tutorials and links.
what i mean is that an example of an onlinE POLLINg. it has progress bar which determine the result of survey/poll.
The progress bar is just a 5-10 pixel image drawn with width equal to the value of the poll and nothing more. Have a look at http://www.go4expert.com/poll.php?do=showresults&pollid=12