Hello all- Help needed please

Discussion in 'Internet Marketing' started by jono69, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. jono69

    jono69 New Member

    Jan 25, 2007
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    Hello all members and mods of the forum!
    I am more of an SEOer than a programmer and need some help with something i need creating. I am not sure where to post it so I hope this is ok?

    Right I need a programme creating for me, Im not sure how simple/difficult it is but I am willing to pay the right price. Here is what I am after:

    I am currently focusing some effort for a client of mine on mispelled keywords. I have been using a great tool online that allows you to type in a keyword and it generates all the typos possible ( inserted key, missed key, double key etc.)
    I am wanting to take this tool a little further- Alot of websites spam a page with all the mispells of a keyword and generate a reasonable amount of traffic from this. I am wanting to create a page for each possible misspell! What I have been doing is creating a webpage, pasting the source code into word and then find and replace the original keyword with one mispell followed by another.... this is v v timeconsuming as there are hundreds of mispells for each word!

    So..... I need a programme where I can insert the source code, generate a list of mispelled words, and then replace the mispelled keyword with all the variations, creating a webpage (or new source code) for each mispell.

    I hope this make sense? Any replies appreciated!
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    Welcome to the forum and I would suggest you to make the titles of your threads such that they make sense rather than the help needed kinds.

    Thread moved from Introduce yourself to Search Engine forum. Also you can try out the marketplace on our other site cfanatic.com

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