actually it is all about coding when we click on sign in the validity is check for user nd his password from the database,if it matches u get signed in, mostly passwords are case sensitives nd coding is also done acc. 2 dat nd when u signed out the exit from app. runs nd u signed outs......
actually it is all about coding when we click on sign in the validity is check for user nd his password from the database,if it matches u get signed in, mostly passwords are case sensitives nd coding is also done acc. 2 dat nd when u signed out the exit from app. runs nd u signed outs......
Thanks a lot... But what happens when we click on "Remember me" and then exit from the application. where our username and password gets stored?
mostly it happens using cookies some information like session timestamps, login info and some other details are stored. in plain text or in encrypted form when you clear the cookies, you automatically get signed-out
Actually when we sign in or login, a new session is created having unique session id.This session can be handled in various ways such as using cookies and since http is a stateless protocol,there is an importance of sessions.