well i didnt hack it to its my full potential im posting this link as a refference DO NOT MESS WITH THE GUYS SITE HACKED i dont speak that language tho lol anways what we did was insert a sql injection in to this guys site Code: 5/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/1,concat_ws(0x3a,UserName,Password)/**/from/**/tbl_admins/*]HACKED[/URL] which gives commands to the mysql server and then giving u information if u need any help just ask me
how exactly do you insert the SQL? just into the URL? or do you need to download a software..if so what software?
well i didnt really didnt hack his site but in reality i really did i just wanted to show u all what a sql injection does to a website
where is shows the sql injcetion and shows Code: HACKED[/URL] thats not with the sql injection the forum did that i dont know why tho