Hi, I'm new here and for one reason: **** a MMORPG server. The reason is simple. I was banned like 2 weeks ago. The excuse is hack, because i fighted against GM and won. If I knew how to hack, I wouldn't be here now. They banned me without chance of appeal, without evidence, without anything. We had a bet, I guess they did this just to don't have to pay.
Thers this game known as Metin2uk, cudnt anyone ever hack it? searched the whole net and got only viruses, nothing working and the cheat engine works only on the private server.
I was play mmorpg 4 mobile phone...but sometime i play with emulator in pc. can u help me how to hack this game?? Thanks be4..... Later i tell the game....
Ok, so I am trying to hack the EN-1 server of the following game which is based in Germany, it is a star trek kind of game, called space trek the new empire, the EN-1 server website is: game.en.stne.net I want to be able to hack this and get my some good weapons/resoruces as I am under attack, and i dont know why but people hate me, I need defenses. Please tell me how to hack this, and get what I want. Also there is a simulated colony planner that can be accessed from the help tab, you can give yourself anything on it you want to build/have, I want to be able to make this fake colony a real one, with all the stuff left on it. Also there is something called Credits you can buy which you can trade and buy ships with them, my parents are asses and wont let me buy any, if you can figure out a way to hack this, please tell me, thanks, Crell Moset
hello im new on this forum so i was wondering can i use cheat engine to hack league of legends or do u need some other program and if i can hack it with cheat engine can u show me how thx
so do gold genarator work??? ive seen tons of video on dragon nest ,but some seem to be virus or need a srurvy cpmplte when i got one it seem work on dn sea i play in DN china ,,,i do make mods for the game and manipulate some character but i want to get more gold ,,,all i know is there is a link in when using storage seems to bind with the client file but i dunno ....any tips anyone? i want to create one
Ok I currently play phoenix emperor. Only made for Iphone and android market. Originally made for Iphone then added android market to play for free. Worldwide game and some have hacked into but were detected and by TOS were given a temp ban or perm ban. I so want to hack into but dont knw how or be detected. changing stuff not to just my character but others so just a mess and can't find the real person tht did it? any ideas:thinking::shy:
Hey everyone, I know this thread has stopped a long time ago, but I have a question I'm trying to freeze the Health in The Secret World (to be immortal) Is there anyway I can do it ? Thanks
It just depends on the game. Some games store almost all information server side. These games are impossible to write decent hacks for. Other games store info client side. These are the games that people can hack: wall hacks, ammo, health ect. a lot of the MMORPG game hacks are bots whether it be grinding bots or attack ect. If you want to get into hacking MMORPG you need to learn how to identify which addresses you are allowed to modify. If it's read only, then you can't touch it. learn to use a memory scanner (Cheat engine, MHS). Also learn some asm. this is vital for creating a good MMORPG hack.