I encountered with this GWS while using firefox addon called ServerSpy which tells about the server software of the website. When I visited Google.com, I was surprised to see that it is using GWS. A server software I have never heard about before. So, I researched a little. But there was no authenticated info, I could get. Some says it is modified apache server or some says it is a new kind of server software. Some says it is open source and some says proprietary software. So, I would like to have participation from all to know what is actually GWS - Google web Server.. It would be helpful to all. Thanks..
Yes, google has it's own Web Server, File System, Database and a Programming Language as well Check these wiki links: Google Web Server Google File System BigTable Sawzall (programming language)
thanks nimesh ! But I have been already gone through Wikipedia. Its just a few lines regarding Google Web Server. Where as I am looking details of GWS like supported SCRIPTs, Connections, encryptions etc various capability details. I was surprised to know that GWS is the Number 3 web server software in the survey of Netcraft ( the company who provide market-analysis regarding OS and Web Servers). That's why I want to know more about Google's web server software.
Few mores stuff on GWS http://www.davidtan.org/google-web-server-gains-momentum/ Google Services running on GWS http://www.dotcomunderground.com/blogs/2006/09/02/gws21-google-web-server/ Some Stats on Google Architecture http://highscalability.com/google-architecture As you can see GWS is not available for public domain so the information you are searching for would not be available to general public. And for this you will have to contact some Google person only
What is the job of Google Web Server? If i'm not mistaken it is a server where all the google clients/site are being placed?
These are the custom built-in software servers which are used by the Google. It runs about 11 million sites which have the updated contents. Those are sites run by the Google and their sponsored services like Blogger, Google Docs, and Google App Engine. It runs on the Linux.