Hai Every one , Please help me in writing the query for the following requirement Let us Suppose there is one table with two columns. Col1 Col2 1 01-jan-07 1 01-Feb-07 1 01-mar-07 1 01-Apr-07 2 05-jan-07 2 06-Feb-07 2 07-mar-07 2 10-Apr-07 I need a query which assigns the sequnece numbers to each group. i.e. i should get the out put as follows 1 1 01-jan-07 2 1 01-Feb-07 3 1 01-mar-07 4 1 01-Apr-07 1 2 05-jan-07 2 2 06-Feb-07 3 2 07-mar-07 4 2 10-Apr-07