I would like to get the priviledges I [or any user] have for the specified database or object. I know the stored procedures like sp_helpuser and sp_helplogins exist for SQL Server but I would like to know the general sql for oracle and/or sql server.
Re: Getting Privileges of user in Oracle/SQL Server Hi .. Oracle privileges can be largely classified as : System privileges and Object privileges. The following tables contain all the privilege information in Oracle : DBA_SYS_PRIVS : The System Previleges. DESC DBA_TAB_PRIVS : The Table Privileges. DESC DBA_ROLE_PRIVS : Roles consist of a set of privileges which can be assigned to users instead of granting privileges one by one. DESC DBA_COL_PRIVS : The Table Column Privileges. The text attachment contains a sample session in a Oracle DB which will make a lot things clear. Amit Ray.