I returning information from a database that check the database for item that are below a certain level (it's a stock inventory), and then returns the result of that. The function itself works fine, however the text is unformatted and i wish to be able to format the text. As a bit of a newbie when it comes to ASP (my friend did the code for me) I was wondering if anyone could help. The code is as follows: Code: [I]Dim sQuery sQuery = "select ItemName from item where CurrentQty < ParLevel" oRS.Open sQuery, oConnection do while not oRS.EOF Response.Write("<div align=""center"">" & oRS("ItemName") & " is below par level</font><div>") oRS.MoveNext loop oRS.Close Set oRS = Nothing %>[/I] Thanks in advance.
You didn't open the font tag, it should look something like this... Code: do while not oRS.EOF Response.Write("<div align=""center""><font color=""red"">" & oRS("ItemName") & " is below par level</font><div>") oRS.MoveNext loop