Hello all, I'd like to say this is my first post here on this forum and I am in need of some help... I have a website that I am re-programming / designing because when I started it I was not as good as I am now at development (I'm currently 16 years old) The problem is in HTML and I can't figure it out to save my life... I have 3 tables in HTML on my homepage, one is for whether or not the person is logged in, tells them to login to use features. Another for image links for main areas of the website Another for statistics... In firefox it does what I want: In IE, I get this interesting error... Source: Code: <table width=810 align=right cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td> <!-- IF NOT_LOGGED --> <table width=810 align=right cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0 align=right> <tr> <td class="urgent" width=20><IMG src="{STYLE_DIR}images/icon_urgent.gif"></td> <td class="urgent">You must be <a href="login.php">logged in</a> to use the features of this department.</td> </tr> </table><br> <!-- ENDIF --> <table width="810" height="30" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" align=right> <tr> <td width=5 class="row2"></td> <td> <img src="{STYLE_DIR}images/goal_sigs.jpg" width="200" onMouseOver="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/goal_hover.jpg'" onMouseOut="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/goal_sigs.jpg'" height=30></td> <td> <img src="{STYLE_DIR}images/stat_sigs.jpg" width="200" onMouseOver="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/stat_hover.jpg'" onMouseOut="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/stat_sigs.jpg'" height=30></td> <td> <img src="{STYLE_DIR}images/rank_sigs.jpg" width="200" onMouseOver="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/rank_hover.jpg'" onMouseOut="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/rank_sigs.jpg'" height=30></td> <td> <img src="{STYLE_DIR}images/develop_sigs.jpg" width="200" onMouseOver="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/develop_hover.jpg'" onMouseOut="this.src='{STYLE_DIR}images/develop_sigs.jpg'" height=30></td> <td width=5 class="row2"></td> </tr> </table><br> <table width=810 align=right cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0> <tr> <td class="row1" colspan=2>Signature Database</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="row2">Total Signatures Created: {TOTAL_SIGS}</td> <td class="row2">Total Members: {TOTAL_MEMBERS}</td> </tr> </table> This file runs off a template class I built so that would help explain {VAR} and stuff such as that. Any help please? Why is IE being stubborn and firefox not?
IE prior to 7 has an incorrect interpretation of the box model. That is, margin/padding are treated incorrectly. Further, if you specify the wrong doc type, IE (including 7) will pop into quirks mode and render some things incorrectly. Further, default dimensions for some things such as line spacing are set differently in different browsers. One needs to specifically set the to the desired values. For additional information, Google "Box Model" or "Box Model Hack". Since you are learning HTML, you should learn CSS. Tables aren't a good way to determine layout; they're for tabular material.
I appreciate your response as to WHY it is happening, but I can't say I'm very happy about the "Since you are learning HTML" part of your post. Considering that I'm not learning HTML, I'm on PHP and mySQL. Please don't say things you are not aware of.
Well since I am a Web Developer myself I have five different browsers. Every browser (well most) reads codes differently. I suggest updating your browser to that latest if it is not already. Also I suggest using a program by the name of HTML-Kit. It is very helpful to many web developers. It was coded by one of the people that work for the W3 (creators of the World Wide Web). I suggest also coding in XHTML as it is the future and is much more powerful and easier to understand (my opinion), using the program called HTML-Kit by the click of a button all your coding is in XHTML. So you could code in HTML then transfer to XHTML To see if your browser is update run this.
Sorry it happened again. Can some mod please add this onto the post before. Code: <html> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> var x = navigator document.write("CodeName=" + x.appCodeName) document.write("<br />") document.write("MinorVersion=" + x.appMinorVersion) document.write("<br />") document.write("Name=" + x.appName) document.write("<br />") document.write("Version=" + x.appVersion) document.write("<br />") document.write("CookieEnabled=" + x.cookieEnabled) document.write("<br />") document.write("CPUClass=" + x.cpuClass) document.write("<br />") document.write("OnLine=" + x.onLine) document.write("<br />") document.write("Platform=" + x.platform) document.write("<br />") document.write("UA=" + x.userAgent) document.write("<br />") document.write("BrowserLanguage=" + x.browserLanguage) document.write("<br />") document.write("SystemLanguage=" + x.systemLanguage) document.write("<br />") document.write("UserLanguage=" + x.userLanguage) </script> </body> </html> Save it as browserinfo.htm or something then run it in your browser. That gives all the information about your browser then compare it to the latest version.