sorry for taking up so much of your time, but i have one more question to ask: PHP: <?php $dir = "."; $file = readdir($dh); $time = date_create($file,"Y-m-d"); if($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false){ echo "<table border=0><td><font size=5 face=\"arial\"><b>Username:</b> <a href=\"$file\">$file</a><br></font></td><td>$time</td>"."\n";} closedir($dh);} ?></table> This is a list directory php script, i want to know if it is possible to both show and hide files. ps. can you teach me to show and hide both specific files (ie. with specific filename), and general types,(eg. types of files with same file extension). THANKS, spiderman.
Re: Login and Logout using Sessions and Cookies Your code shows all files/directories, if you do not want to show hidden files, check for the filnames/directrory names beginning with a period '.'.
Re: Login and Logout using Sessions and Cookies I wold request you guys to make seperate thread for particular query and not use the same thread for discussing all the problems. This helps others to make searches as well.