i want my users to be able to upload files to a part of my ftp. i do not want them to have them enter any information. can this even be possible? note: i do not want them to appear in a webpage, just to have them uploaded to a section of my server. thank you. P.S. please give me an example. -Colin Gullickson (NebraskaGeek.com owner)
Yea umm for one allowing ppl to upload stuff through ur ftp yea thats real smart let see umm ill upload a virus/trojan to ur pc and access it i think ur idea is bad and u should not allow it gurante someone will hack u if u allow it
also i think u must halo alot if u want u can add me as a friend i play it online alot XXxxScytherxxXX leave a message saying ur from go4expert.com
k, one i just want the code!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. and two, i am elcheapo, so i only have halo PC trial for online. it's still awsome. if you don't play it you should, go to http://www.microsoft.com/Downloads/...b1-90a1-4ca7-af68-b83ae2dec1cf&displaylang=en to download. my gamertag is bvrowner.
i do play the halo pc game i just reall really suck at it. I mean i instantly spawn and in 0.0000000000000000000000000000001 seconds im instantly dead im like wtf? and the snipers on there are outrageously good. i only stand a chance on that game by using my health bot for that game lol i really suck at it. Now on the xbox its different story i can dominate anyone. lol naw but im very good on halo 3 online
go play pc at 7 pm tonight, i'll have a game of slayer going, bvrowner, if there is a password, it will be go4expert
You should put on your site a php file manager .. simple users can easy register and those users can see only the upload folder .. they cant see the rest of your site files .. but be careful i have found php exploits hiden in files like .fav .rar .mp3 .jpg/bmp etc. I think you should think twice before make this "step"