hello every budy.. Plz help me in this content ....Iam new in VC++6 Technology... I face a problem.... I have a VC++ code which when debug it give error.... fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file '..\debug\taksidll.lib' i search a lot on googal but didnt find any solution.... Thank :nonod:
I am not an Visual C expert, but from the looks of it, you trying to use a library that is not in your debug directory. Usually libraries are not in your debug folder so perhaps you should change your include-directories in your project- or compiler / linker options to include the library. In C++ Builder I have to add these libraries using "add to project...". VC++ will most likely offer an option to manually include libraries. Some header files require in your project may require that you manually add a library. A statement like #include<PowrProf.h> is not always enough. This type of error may occur when you start using win32api calls. Good luck.
Thanks Mr.E E F I follow ur instruction ...and perform few experiments and got solution....Actually There is GUID initialisation problum....after initilisation problum solved. Do you know something about video sound recoding/capturing in VC++... please let me know some google link.....
I got your email, I am glad to see you solved it. Regarding your question about capturing video in VC++ , I don' t have a specific anser, but capturing audio, for instance, usually works with 2 buffers. You pass a pointer to one buffer (a) to a capture function, and usually the function will generate an event (windows message) which is the signal for your application to call the function again, but this time with a pointer to buffer (b). While the capture function is filling buffer (b), you have to write the contens of buffer (a) to the disk or somewhere else, so when function signals your application again, you pass the pointer to buffer(a) to the capture function and start saving the contents of buffer (b), and so on, and so on. I only assume that the same method is used for video capture, but I don't know details. Maybe this program / library is helpfull: http://www.bluechillies.com/download/32945.html I found it with google using this search string: "c++ video capture xp" Regards, Eef
I think I made a small mistake in my explanation above, the correct order should be like: // pseudo code: buffer * a, b; //declare buffer pointers byte a[100000]; //reserve memory for the buffer byte b[100000]; //reserve memory for the buffer bool bufselector= false; //use this switch to choose the right buffer OnButton1Click{ start_capture(a); } OnRequestNewBuffer{ if ( bufselector) capture_nextbuffer(a) //switch buffers, pass the buffer pointer else capture_nextbuffer(b) } OnBufferFull( buffer * fullbuffer){ //the capture function will send a windowmessage. write_buffer_to_disk(fullbuffer) // the fullbuffer is available to application } //end pseudo code. I have not used real functions or events here, it is just an example. Implementations may be different. It is just to get you started and see the bug picture. You will have to do a lot of initialization I guess.
I think I made a small mistake in my explanation above, the correct order should be like: // pseudo code: buffer * a, b; //declare buffer pointers byte a[100000]; //reserve memory for the buffer byte b[100000]; //reserve memory for the buffer bool bufselector= false; //use this switch to choose the right buffer OnButton1Click{ start_capture(a); } OnRequestNewBuffer{ if ( bufselector) capture_nextbuffer(a) //switch buffers, pass the buffer pointer else capture_nextbuffer(b); bufselector != bufselector; } OnBufferFull( buffer * fullbuffer){ //the capture function will send a windowmessage. write_buffer_to_disk(fullbuffer) // the fullbuffer is available to application } //end pseudo code. I have not used real functions or events here, it is just an example. Implementations may be different. It is just to get you started and see the bug picture. You will have to do a lot of initialization I guess.