How to Extend M/M/1 Queue Simulation to M/M/K

Discussion in 'C' started by adamms, Nov 5, 2010.

  1. adamms

    adamms New Member

    Nov 5, 2010
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    Hello everyone. Help me to extend the M/M/1 code below to M/M/K.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <math.h>
    /*variables declaration*/
    #define TOS 10 //termination of service; number of repetition for each experiment :100
    #define MAXNOSRC 5 //number of sources 
    #define MAXQSIZE 50 //max queue size or buffer 
    #define ARRIVAL 0 //event type: arrival
    #define DEPARTURE 1 //event type: departure
    #define SERVER_IDLE 0 //data sink status: idle
    #define SERVER_BUSY 1 //data sink status: busy
    #define MAXNOE 20 //number of experiments 
    double arrst[MAXNOSRC]; //arrival service time: stores the time each source will generate ‘a’ packet
    double patq[MAXQSIZE]; //packet arrival time in queue
    double dpst; //departure service time: store the time a packet will leave the server after being processed
    double iat; //inter arrival time (iat=1/λ)
    double st; //service time (st=1/µ)
    double simclock; //simulation clock
    double delay; //delay
    double tdelay; //total delay
    double avgdelay; //average delay= tdelay/npd
    double plr; //packet loss ratio=tpl/npa
    double smallest; //smallest simulation time
    double tqsize;
    double last_check;
    double load; //λ
    double npd; //# of packet departured/processed
    double npa; //# of packet arrive/generate
    double tpl; //total packet lost
    int dss; //data sink status (1: idle; 2: busy)
    int ssrc; //selected source
    int evtype; //event type (1: arrival; 2: departure)
    int cqsize; //current queue size
    int noe; //# of experiment
    /*functions prototype*/
    double traffic(void);
    void init(void);
    void updateclock(void);
    void scheduler(void);
    void arrival(void);
    void departure(void);
    void result(void);
    int main(void);
    FILE *out_tdelay; //output file pointer for total delay: total_delay.csv
    FILE *out_avgdelay; //output file pointer for average delay: average_delay.csv
    FILE *out_plr; //output file pointer for packet loss ratio: packet_loss_ratio.csv
    double traffic(void)
    /*poisson distribution use to generate traffic*/
        double x=rand(); //get random #
        double iat=0; //initialize interAT=0
        iat = -log(x/1.0e+30)/load; //formula to inject randomness into Poisson Distribution
        return iat; //return interAT to caller function
    void init(void)
        int a; 
        load+=20; //increament load
        arrst[MAXNOSRC]=0.0; //arrival service time: stores the time each source will generate ‘a’ packet
        patq[MAXQSIZE]=0.0; //packet arrival time in queue
        for(a=0; a<MAXNOSRC; ++a)
            arrst[a]=rand(); //assign random start time to each arrival node==> how to get rand # between 0-1??
        //arrst[0]=0.6; arrst[1]=0.5; arrst[2]=0.8;
        dpst=1.0e+30; //departure service time: store the time a packet will leave the server after being processed
        st=2.5; //fix service time (st=1/µ == packet size/bandwidth)
        simclock=0.0; //simulation clock
        smallest=1.0e+30; //smallest simulation time
        avgdelay=0.0; //average delay= 
        plr=0.0; //packet loss ratio
        tdelay=0.0; //total delay
        npd=0.0; //# of packet departured/sink
        npa=0.0; //# of packet arrived/generate
        tpl=0.0; //# of packet loss
        dss=SERVER_IDLE; //data sink status set to IDLE
        ssrc=0; //selected source
        evtype=1; //event type (1: arrival; 2: departure)
        cqsize=0; //current queue size/number in queue
    } //end init
    void updateclock(void)
    /*Advance the simulation clock*/
        simclock=smallest; //assign current smallest time to simclock
    void scheduler(void)
    /*Determine the event type of the next event to occur*/
        int a;
        smallest=1.0e+30; //assign very big number(infinity) to smallest time
        for(a=0; a<MAXNOSRC; ++a) //find the smallest among sources
            if(arrst[a]<smallest) //if arrival start time[a] is less than smallest time
                smallest=arrst[a]; //smallest become arrival start time for source [a]
                ssrc=a; //pick selected source 
                evtype=ARRIVAL; //event type is ARRIVAL
            if(dpst<smallest) //if departure start time is less than smallest time
                smallest=dpst; //assign departure start time to smallest time
                evtype=DEPARTURE; //event type is DEPARTURE
        } //end for
    } //end scheduler
    void arrival(void)
        ++npa; //increament of packet generation/arrival
        iat=traffic(); //inter arrival time set to [-log(x/1.0+30)]/load; x is random #
        if(dss==SERVER_IDLE) //if data sink status is IDLE 1
            dss=SERVER_BUSY; //change data sink status to BUSY 2
            dpst=simclock+st;  //schedule the time a task completely processed
        else if(dss==SERVER_BUSY) //if data sink status is BUSY 2
            if(cqsize==MAXQSIZE) //if queue is full
                ++tpl; //increment total packet lost
            else if(cqsize<MAXQSIZE) //if queue space is still available
                patq[cqsize]=simclock; //assign simclock to the time of current packet in queue 
                ++cqsize; //increment current buffer in queue
            } //end else
        } //end elseif
    } //end arrival
    void departure(void)
        int i;
        ++npd; //increment the number of task processed/packet departed
        if(cqsize==0) //if the buffer or queue is empty
            dss=SERVER_IDLE; //no processsing
            dpst=1.0e+30; //assign very large value (infinity) to dpst
        else if(cqsize!=0) //if there are packets in the queue
            delay=simclock-patq[0]; //compute delay of packet who is beginning service
            tdelay+=delay; //update of total delay
            for(i=0; i<MAXQSIZE; ++i) 
                patq[i]=patq[i+1]; //move packet in queue up 1 place
            dpst=simclock+st; //departure start time
            --cqsize; //decreament number of packet in queue
        }//end elseif
    } //end departure
    void result(void)
    /*Compute and write estimates of desired measures of performance*/
        avgdelay=tdelay/npd; //to compute average delay
        plr=tpl/npa; //to compute packet loss ratio
        fprintf(out_tdelay,"%f\t%f\n",load, tdelay);
        fprintf(out_avgdelay,"%f\t%f\n",load, avgdelay);
        fprintf(out_plr,"%f\t%f\n",load, plr);
    } //end result
    int main(void)
        for(noe=0; noe<MAXNOE; ++noe) //represent the repeatition of experiments
            //repeatition for one individually experiment
            while(npd<TOS) //TOS based on npd 
                scheduler(); //invoke scheduler function
                updateclock(); //invoke updateclock function
                    arrival(); //invoke arrival function
                else if(evtype==DEPARTURE)
                    departure(); //invoke departure function
            } //end while
            result(); //invoke result function
        } //end for
        system("wgnuplot simplot_tdelay.plt");
        system("wgnuplot simplot_avgdelay.plt");
        system("wgnuplot simplot_plr.plt");
        return 0;
    } //end main
  2. xpi0t0s

    xpi0t0s Mentor

    Aug 6, 2004
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    Perhaps a little more explanation would be helpful, rather than just dumping 200 lines of code on us and a one-line statement that means virtually nothing? What are MM1 and MMK? What does the code do? What have you tried?
  3. adamms

    adamms New Member

    Nov 5, 2010
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    Sorry for that. I admit my mistake.

    This is discrete events simulation program in C that represent the queueing model. It can be used to simulate the real queueing in the computer system or network. M/M/1 queue consists of a server which provides service for the packet who arrive at the system, receive service, and depart. It is a single-server queueing system with exponential interarrival times, exponential service times and first-in–first-out queue discipline. If a packet arrives when the server is busy, it joins the queue (the waiting line). The capital letter "M" represent the Markovian (exponential) distribution of inter arrival time and service time. "1" means a single server. So for M/M/k means that "K" represent the number of server(s). Some times the notation is represent by M/M/n or M/M/s.

    So, I just want to extend the capability of my previous program to support multiple server. Any one here can help me with that? Really appreciate your response and many thanks.
  4. Jenifer

    Jenifer New Member

    Apr 25, 2011
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    hi adamms, I got m/m/k code using linked list if u want it give me ur email address to send this code cause it's kinda long. I wanted to add wfq and leaky bucket to ur code but it didn't work how can I do that ? Is it possible? should it be modified alot?
  5. Idatriska

    Idatriska New Member

    Aug 15, 2011
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    anyone can help me C/C++....i have same with Mr.adamms problem...My final project is about M/M/K queue simulation in LAN network...i have tried source code from Mr.Adamms but i didn't know to extend it...please help me....

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