In JSP Expression language plays a very important role.But while i am writing it is not performing any action.As it is displayed in web page.For Ex if i write the EL as ${param.subtitle} it is not retrieving the subtitle's value.Instead it is displaying as ${param.subtitle} only. How can i get rid of this problem?
Hey, here's the link just check this " ". Hope you find it relevant Good Luck
How about we take a gander at EL Operators and see how they are translated and how to utilize them. EL Property Access Operator or Dot (.) Operator JSP EL Dot administrator is utilized to get the quality qualities. ${firstObj.secondObj} In above articulation, firstObj can be EL understood protest or a quality in page, demand, session or application scope. For instance, ${requestScope.employee.address} Note that aside from the last piece of the EL, every one of the items ought to be either Map or Java Bean, so in above model requestScope is a Map and representative ought to be a Java Bean or Map. In the event that extension isn't given, the JSP EL investigates page, demand, session and application degree to discover the named quality. JSP EL [] Operator or Collection Access Operator [] administrator is more ground-breaking than speck administrator. We can utilize it to get information from List and Array as well. A few models; ${myList[1]} and ${myList["1"]} are same, we can give List or Array file as String exacting too. ${myMap[expr]} – if the parameter inside [] isn't String, it's assessed as an EL. ${myMap[myList[1]]} – [] can be settled. ${requestScope[""]} – we can't utilize spot administrator when quality names have dabs. JSP EL Arithmetic Operators Number juggling administrators are accommodated straightforward estimations in EL articulations. They are +, - , *,/or div, % or mod. JSP EL Logical Operators They are && (and), || (or) and ! (not). JSP EL Relational Operators They are == (eq), != (ne), < (lt), > (gt), <= (le) and >= (ge).