Code: <%@ LANGUAGE="VBScript" %> <% Option Explicit %> <% '+---------------------------------------------------+ '| Scheduled Task in Active Server Pages | '| Nick Sumner 06.2004 | '| [url][/url] | '| [email][/email] | '+---------------------------------------------------+ '| asp_schedule_task.asp '| schedule a task in an ASP application '+---------------------------------------------------+ 'call AnyFunction() once every 6 hrs If (ScheduleTask("MyTaskName", "h", 6)) Then Call AnyFunction() end If FUNCTION ScheduleTask(task_name, period, qty) Dim RunNow Dim last_date Dim diff 'boolean result RunNow = False 'chcek the value of app setting last_date = Trim(Application("Sched_" & task_name)) 'is value empty? maybe app just started If (last_date = "") Then RunNow = True Else 'is value old? diff = DateDiff(period, last_date, Now()) If (diff>=qty) Then RunNow = True End if 'if scheduled to run now, set the app last run time If (RunNow) Then Application("Sched_" & task_name) = Now() 'return result ScheduleTask = RunNow END FUNCTION %>