Hi all, I am trying to create an automatically customized word document based on the user's answers to an excel sheet. Based on a master document and on the answers, I want to insert the appropriate parts of the master doc in the customized one. For that I use an excel macro that collects the answers. I have been able to copy and paste the entire document (using wholestory) but I am completely unable to do the same with sections. Here is what i have so far: Code: # '-----Copy master doc # Set appWD_master_doc = CreateObject("Word.Application" ) # appWD_master_doc.Visible = False # appWD_master_doc.Documents.Open Filename:="Q:\Sea_Trials_Notes.doc", ReadOnly:=True # appWD_master_doc.Selection.WholeStory # appWD_master_doc.Selection.Copy Code: '-----Create personalized tuning procedure Set appWD_tun_process = CreateObject("Word.Application" ) appWD_tun_process.Visible = True appWD_tun_process.Documents.Add Set S = appWD_tun_process.ActiveWindow.Selection appWD_tun_process.Selection.Paste And here is where the problems start. So far I have just been trying with a hardcoded section. Here are a few of the unsuccessful ways i tried this: Code: Dim MyRange As Range Set MyRange = ActiveDocument.Sections(1).Range Set MyRange = MyRange.GoTo(What:=wdGoToSections, Name:="1" ) appWD_tun_process.Selection.Delete Code: 1. Set S = appWD_tun_process.ActiveWindow.Selection 2. With S 3. Selection.Words(1).Delete 4. End With Code: Dim MyRange As Range Set MyRange = appWD_tun_process.Selection.Range Set MyRange = MyRange.GoTo(What:=wdGoToPage, Name:="2" ) Set MyRange = MyRange.GoTo(What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:="\page" ) MyRange.Delete'' Does somebody have any idea on the correct way to do this? Thanks