Open Excel File Stored in Access Database

Discussion in 'MS Access' started by shaurya.rastogi, Feb 9, 2007.

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  1. shaurya.rastogi

    shaurya.rastogi New Member

    Feb 9, 2007
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    need to open an Excel file that has been stored in the Access Database using the insert Object functionality of MS Access manually.

    What i am aware of is that i cant just read the field containing the Excel File into a Byte Array and pass it to the Excel object in C#,as the file is wrapped in the OLE Wrapper used by Access while inserting the file in database.

    I have tried locating the Header of Excel file from the byte array and read the file from there on but it is not working.

    while (true)
    if (0xE11AB1A1E011CFD0 == BitConverter.ToUInt64(byStream, i))
    output.Write(byStream, i, byStream.Length - i-1);

    byStream is a byte array into which i have read the Excel file from Database.
    I am locating the Excel file header in the byte stream and am writing the byte array to a file from that location.But on opening the written file it dosent work.
    Similar approach had worked in case of Images but now in this case.

    Can some one please tell me as to how i can open the Excel File.
    Can I use Interop.Access object to achieve the goal??
  2. shabbir

    shabbir Administrator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2004
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    Duplicate of [thread=2926]Open Excel File Stored in Access Database[/thread]. Thread closed.
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