evaluation of (std::cin >> var) explanation needed.

Discussion in 'C++' started by Subsonics, Sep 4, 2010.

  1. Subsonics

    Subsonics New Member

    Sep 4, 2010
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    Hey, I'm picking up C++. I have a question about the evaluation of the following:

    int var;

    if(std::cin >> var)
    //do something
    It's my understanding that this evaluates to true as long as the input is not end-of-file or a non int. But what is it that is returned exactly? Tried this:

    while( (void *ret = (std::cin >> var)) ){
    printf("%d, %p, %d\n", var, ret, *((int*)(ret)));
    I have found out that it's a void* but, it's not an object (hence the cast), well what is it then?

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