problem establishing TCP socket

Discussion in 'C' started by gkkmath, Aug 28, 2010.

  1. gkkmath

    gkkmath New Member

    Aug 28, 2010
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    Hi Experts,

    I'm writing a C program (cut/paste below) to establish a TCP socket connection from my Mac Pro to a Windows XP-based test instrument sitting next to it over LAN (Ethernet). The program compiles without any warnings or errors. But executing the code using GNU Debugger, I can see it exits at 'exit(2)' which is the "if(connect(MySocket" line. There's no timeout, it just exits immediately.

    I compile using:
    gcc -g -Wall talk2me.c -o talk2me
    but I don't get any hints in the output nor when debugging at to what might be the issue.

    I'm sure the and port 5025 are correct (independently, using Matlab code I can communicate fine using these parameters). Any idea where else I could look to debug?

    Outside of the code itself, are there any other requirements (perhaps system-level) that need to be satisfied (like running the code from a certain directory, or setting a parameter in unix to allow connections, etc.)? It may be something obvious that I'm missing as I'm not that experienced in this.

    I can run a 'hello world' program fine, it that helps.


    int main(void)
    int MySocket;
    if((MySocket=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))==-1) exit(1);
    struct in_addr {
            unsigned long s_addr;
    struct sockaddr_in {
            short int sin_family;                         // Address family
            unsigned short int sin_port;         // Port number
            struct in_addr sin_addr;                 // Internet address
            unsigned char sin_zero[8];                 // Padding
    struct sockaddr_in MyAddress;
    // Initialize the whole structure to zero
    memset(&MyAddress,0,sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
    // Then set the individual fields
    MyAddress.sin_family=PF_INET;                 // IPv4
    MyAddress.sin_port=htons(5025);         // Port number used by instrument
    MyAddress.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(""); // IP Address
    if(connect(MySocket,(struct sockaddr *) &MyAddress, 
            sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))==-1) exit(2);  
    // Send SCPI command
    if(send(MySocket,"*IDN?\n",6,0)==-1) exit(3);
    // Read response
    char buffer[200];
    int actual;
    if((actual=recv(MySocket,&buffer[0],200,0))==-1) exit(4);
    buffer[actual]=0; // Add zero character (C string)
    printf("Instrument ID: %s\n",buffer);
    // Close socket
    if(close(MySocket)==-1) exit(99);
    return 0;

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