Error: syntax error before `return'

Discussion in 'C' started by theevilmachines, Jun 24, 2009.

  1. theevilmachines

    theevilmachines New Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    I know this is annoying, but I really cannot find the error in my code. I get an error message that says: SMOalg.cxx:104: syntax error before `return'. Here is my code. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    using namespace std;
    double M[3][3] =  {     {-2.5, 2, -1},
    double L;
    double H;
    int C = 1;
    double tol = 1e-5;
    int max_passes = 10;
    double alpha[3] = {0,0,0};
    double b = 0;
    int passes = 0;
    int num_changed_alphas;
    double E[3];
    double sum;
    int k;
    double oldalpha[3];
    double eta;
    double Max(double N1, double N2)
            double Maximum = N1;
            if( Maximum < N2 ){
                    Maximum = N2;}
            return Maximum;
    double Min(double N1, double N2)
            double Minimum = N1;
            if( Minimum > N2 ){
                    Minimum = N2;}
            return Minimum;
    double innerproduct(int index1, int index2){
            double out = M[index1][1]*M[index2][1] + M[index1][2]*M[index2][2];
            return out;
    int main(){
            while (passes < max_passes){
                    num_changed_alphas = 0;
                    for (int i=1; i <= 3; i++){
                            for (int j=1; j <= 3; j++){
                                    sum += alpha[j]*M[j][3]*innerproduct(j,i);}
                            E[i] = sum + b - M[i][3];
                            sum = 0;
                            if ((M[i][3]*E[i]<-tol && alpha[i]<C) || (M[i][3]*E[i]>tol && alpha[i]>0)){
                                    if (i==3) {k = 1;}
                                    else {k = i++;}
                            for (int m=1; m <= 3; m++){
                                    sum += alpha[m]*M[m][3]*innerproduct(m,k);
                            E[k] = sum + b - M[k][3];
                            sum = 0;
                            oldalpha[i] = alpha[i];
                            oldalpha[k] = alpha[k];
                            if (M[i][3] != M[k][3]){L = Max(0, alpha[k] - alpha[i]);}
                            else{ L = Max(0, alpha[i] + alpha[k] - C);}
                            if (M[i][3] != M[k][3]){H = Min(C,C + alpha[k] - alpha[i]);}
                            else{ H = Min(C, alpha[i] + alpha[k]);}
                            if (L==H) {continue;}
                            eta = 2*innerproduct(i,k) - innerproduct(i,i) - innerproduct(k,k);
                            if (eta>=0) {continue;}
                            alpha[k] += M[k][3]*(E[i] - E[k])/eta;
                            if (alpha[k] > H) {alpha[k] = H;}
                            else if (alpha[k] < L) {alpha[k] = L;}
                            if (abs(alpha[k] - oldalpha[k]) < 1e-5) {continue;}
                            alpha[i] += M[i][3]*M[k][3]*(oldalpha[k] - alpha[k]);
                            double b1 = b - E[i] - M[i][3]*(alpha[i] - oldalpha[i])*innerproduct(i,i) - M[k][3]*(alpha[k] - oldalpha[k])*innerproduct(i,k);
                            double b2 = b - E[k] - M[i][3]*(alpha[i] - oldalpha[i])*innerproduct(i,k) - M[k][3]*(alpha[k] - oldalpha[k])*innerproduct(k,k);
                            if (alpha[i] > 0 && alpha[i] < C) {b = b1;}
                            else if (alpha[k] > 0 && alpha[k] < C) {b = b2;}
                            else {b = (b1+b2)/2;}
                    if (num_changed_alphas==0) {passes++;}
                    else {passes = 0;}
            return 0;
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2009
  2. theevilmachines

    theevilmachines New Member

    Jun 24, 2009
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    Nevermind!! I fixed it. Turns out I had a brace in the wrong place at the end :\

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