hi , i'm facing an error in my asp code, that is while login into the page it just accept the value but doesn't allow value to redirect to the concern page, plz help me to rectify the error Code: <% if request.TotalBytes <> 0 then dim strConnection,con,strsql,rs strConnection="DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver}; SERVER=localhost; DATABASE=chain; UID=root;PASSWORD=admin; OPTION=3" set con=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") con.open(strConnection) set rs= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Dim UserName Dim Password UserName = request("user") Password = request("pass") strsql= "select * from mlm where username = '" & username &"'" rs.open=con.Execute(strsql) response.Write(strsql) if rs.eof then userstatus = 0 response.Redirect("index.asp?status=invalid") else if strcomp(rs.fields("password"),password,0)=0 then session("mid") = rs.fields("username") <--this the line no 25--> if rs.fields("username") <> 1 then //Response.Write(UserName) session("adminmode") = "" else session("adminmode") = "true" end if response.redirect("main.asp?id="&rs.fields("username")) else response.Redirect("index.asp?status=invalid") end if end if if request("logout") = 1 then session("mid") = 0 session("admin") = "" response.redirect("") end if end if %> Error Type: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D) Type mismatch: '[string: "wanted"]' /mlm/index.asp, line 25 POST Data: user=wanted&pass=checking&x=36&y=9