hi, I have been asked to implement a binary tree structure with the foll requirements 1) Generate 1000 integers from 100,000,001 to 100,001,000 2) Create a collection and add first 500 integers 3) Delete 400 integers from 101st to 500th. 4) Add the rest of 500 integers 5) Find all the odd numbers in the collection and delete all of them. 6) Your inordertraversal function writes all the items in the collection into a file named output3.txt as below. 100000002 100000004 100000006 .... i have written the code with 3 files which are as follows: Code: //////////////////////////////////////// main.c ///////////////////////////////// #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include "coll_a.h" /* import the specification */ collection myCollection; int max_items; int private_print(void *item); int ItemCmp(void *a, void *b); int main() { FILE *f1; int i,j=100000000; int intData[1000]; f1=fopen("out3.txt","wt"); /* Generating 1000 integers from 100,000,001 to 100,001,000 */ for (i =0; i <1000; i++) { intData[i] = ++j; } max_items = 1000; j = 0; myCollection = ConsCollection(max_items,ItemCmp); printf("adding 500 items\n"); for (i = 0; i <500; i++) { AddToCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[j ++]); } printf("deleting 400 items\n"); for (i = 0; i <400; i++) { DeleteFromCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[--j]); } printf("adding the rest of 500 items\n"); j+=400; for (i = 0; i <500; i++) { AddToCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[++j]); } for (i=0;i <100;i++) { if((intData[i]%2)!=0) {DeleteFromCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[i]); } for (i=500;i<1000;i++) { if((intData[i]%2)!=0) {DeleteFromCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[i]); } } InOrderTraversal(c,private_print); } int ItemCmp(void *a, void *b) {long *d1,*d2; *d1=(long *)a; *d2=(long *)b; if(*d1>*d2) return -1; else if(*d1<*d2) return 1; else return 0; } int private_print(void *item) {long *t; *t=(long *)item; if(t!=NULL) {printf("%d",*t ); fprintf (f1, "\n%d",*t); } else { return 0; } } Code: /////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// coll_a.h /////////////////////////////////////// /* Specification for collection */ typedef struct t_collection *collection; collection ConsCollection( int max_items, int (*ItemCmp)(void *, void *) ); /* Construct a new collection Pre-condition: max_items > 0 Post-condition: returns a pointer to an empty collection */ void AddToCollection( collection c, void *item ); /* Add an item to a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count < max_items) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been added to c */ void DeleteFromCollection( collection c, void *item ); /* Delete an item from a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count >= 1) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been deleted from c */ void *FindInCollection( collection c, void *key ); /* Find an item in a collection Pre-condition: c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection key != NULL Post-condition: returns an item identified by key if one exists, otherwise returns NULL */ void InOrderTraversal(collection c, int(*private_print)(void *item)) Code: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// coll_at.c /////////////////////////////////////// #include <stdlib.h> /* calloc */ #include <stdio.h> /* NULL */ #include <assert.h> /* Needed for assertions */ #include "coll_a.h" /* import the specification */ struct t_node { void *item; struct t_node *left; struct t_node *right; } node; struct t_collection { /* Note that size is not needed any longer! */ int (*ItemCmp)( void *, void * ); struct t_node *node; }; collection ConsCollection(int max_items, int (*ItemCmp)(void *,void *)) /* Construct a data collection Pre-condition: (max_items > 0) && (item_size > 0) Post-condition: returns a pointer to an empty collection */ { collection c; /* Although redundant, this assertion should be retained as it tests compliance with the formal specification */ assert( max_items > 0 ); c = (collection)calloc( 1, sizeof(struct t_collection) ); c->node = (struct t_node *)0; c->ItemCmp = ItemCmp; return c; } static void AddToTree( struct t_node **t, struct t_node *data, int (*ItemCmp)(void *, void *) ) { struct t_node *base; base = *t; /* If it's a null tree, just add it here */ if ( base == NULL ) { *t = data; return; } else { if ( ItemCmp( base->item, data ) < 0 ) { AddToTree( &(base->left), data, ItemCmp ); } else AddToTree( &(base->right), data, ItemCmp ); } } void AddToCollection( collection c, void *item ) /* Add an item to a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count < max_items) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been added to c */ { struct t_node *data, *node_p; assert( c != NULL ); assert( item != NULL ); /* Allocate space for a node for the data item */ data = (struct t_node *)malloc(sizeof(struct t_node)); /* Attach the item to the node */ data->item = item; data->left = data->right = (struct t_node *)0; node_p = c->node; AddToTree( &node_p, data, c->ItemCmp ); c->node=node_p; } void DeleteFromTree( struct t_node **t, void *item ) { struct t_node *temp, *prev, *succ; prev=temp=*t; void *val; *val=(void*)item; //val=item; if(*t==NULL) printf("NO NODES TO BE DELETED"); else { while(temp->item!=val && temp!=NULL) //define val { prev=temp; if(temp->item >val) temp=temp->left; else temp=temp->right; } if(temp==NULL) { printf("the value could not be found\n"); return; } if(temp->left!=NULL && temp->right!=NULL) { prev=temp; succ=temp->right; while(succ->left!=NULL) { prev=succ; succ=succ->left; } temp->item=succ->item; temp=succ; } if(temp->left!=NULL && temp->right==NULL) { if(prev->left==temp) prev->left=temp->left; else prev->right=temp->left; } if(temp->left==NULL && temp->right!=NULL) { if(prev->left==temp) prev->left=temp->right; else prev->right=temp->right; } if(temp->left==NULL && temp->right==NULL) { if(prev->left==temp) prev->left=NULL; else prev->right=NULL; } /* if(temp==*root) // define root { if(temp->left!=NULL) *root=temp->left; else *root=temp->right; }*/ free(temp); } void DeleteFromCollection( collection c, void *item ) /* Delete an item from a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count >= 1) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been deleted from c */ { struct t_node *node; assert( c != NULL ); /* The requirement that the collection has at least one item is expressed a little differently */ assert( c->node != NULL ); assert( item != NULL); /* Select node at head of list */ node = c->node; DeleteFromTree( &node, item ); c->node=node; } void *FindInTree( struct t_node *t, void *key ) { if(t==NULL) return; else if(t->item==key) return t; else if ( ItemCmp( t->item, key ) < 0 ) return FindInTree( (t->left), key ); else return FindInTree( (t->right), key ); } void *FindInCollection( collection c, void *key ) /* Find an item in a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (key != NULL) Post-condition: returns an item identified by key if one exists, otherwise returns NULL */ { struct t_node *node; assert( c != NULL ); assert( key != NULL ); /* Select node at head of list */ node = c->node; return FindInTree( node, key ); } } void InOrderTreeTraversal(struct t_node *t, int(*private_print)(void *item)) { if(t != NULL) { InOrderTreeTraversal(t->left,private_print); private_print(t->item); InOrderTreeTraversal(t->right, private_print); } } void InOrderTraversal(collection c, int(*private_print)(void *item)) { assert(c != NULL); InOrderTreeTraversal(c->node,private_print); } //////////////////////////////// Here are the errors which I get on compiling. ont> gcc -c main.c coll_at.c main.c: In function `InOrderTraversal': main.c:17: error: syntax error before '{' token main.c:20: error: parameter `j' is initialized main.c:22: error: syntax error before "f1" coll_at.c: In function `InOrderTraversal': coll_at.c:13: warning: structure defined inside parms coll_at.c:20: warning: structure defined inside parms coll_at.c:20: warning: empty declaration coll_at.c:23: error: syntax error before ')' token coll_at.c:92: error: syntax error before '*' token
Without even looking at the code after formatting do you expect some one to look into the code and debug it out for you who has not bothered to paste the code in the proper format?
Determine what you really want here: Code: int(*private_print)(void *item) and express it correctly. Also, add indentation/formatting to your code. Even though Shabbir put it in code tags, it is still too hard to read; I don't want to mess with it.
ok, let me try to put it again Code: //////////////////// main.c //////////////////// #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include "coll_a.h" /* import the specification */ int (*private_print)(void *item); int (*ItemCmp)(void *a, void *b); int main(); { collection myCollection; int max_items; FILE *f1; int i; int j; j=100000000; int intData[1000]; f1=fopen("out3.txt","wt"); /* Generating 1000 integers from 100,000,001 to 100,001,000 */ for (i =0; i <1000; i++) { intData[i] = ++j; } printf("Testing Part A....\n\n"); max_items = 1000; j = 0; myCollection = ConsCollection(max_items,ItemCmp); printf("adding 500 items\n"); for (i = 0; i <500; i++) { AddToCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[j ++]); } printf("deleting 400 items\n"); for (i = 0; i <400; i++) { DeleteFromCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[--j]); } printf("adding the rest of 500 items\n"); j+=400; for (i = 0; i <500; i++) { AddToCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[++j]); } for (i=0;i <100;i++) { if((intData[i]%2)!=0) { DeleteFromCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[i]); } } for (i=500;i<1000;i++) { if((intData[i]%2)!=0) { DeleteFromCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[i]); } } InOrderTraversal(c,private_print); } int ItemCmp(void *a, void *b) { long *d1,*d2; *d1=(long *)a; *d2=(long *)b; if(*d1>*d2) return -1; else if(*d1<*d2) return 1; else return 0; } int private_print(void *item) { long *t; *t=(long *)item; if(t!=NULL) {printf("%d",*t ); fprintf (f1, "\n%d",*t); } else { return 0; } } Code: ///////////////////////////////////// coll_at.c //////////////////////////////// #include <stdlib.h> /* calloc */ #include <stdio.h> /* NULL */ #include <assert.h> /* Needed for assertions */ #include "coll_a.h" /* import the specification */ struct t_node { void *item; struct t_node *left; struct t_node *right; } node; struct t_collection { /* Note that size is not needed any longer! */ int (*ItemCmp)( void *, void * ); struct t_node *node; }; collection ConsCollection(int max_items, int (*ItemCmp)(void *,void *)) /* Construct a data collection Pre-condition: (max_items > 0) && (item_size > 0) Post-condition: returns a pointer to an empty collection */ { collection c; /* Although redundant, this assertion should be retained as it tests compliance with the formal specification */ assert( max_items > 0 ); c = (collection)calloc( 1, sizeof(struct t_collection) ); c->node = (struct t_node *)0; c->ItemCmp = ItemCmp; return c; } static void AddToTree( struct t_node **t, struct t_node *data, int (*ItemCmp)(void *, void *) ) { struct t_node *base; base = *t; /* If it's a null tree, just add it here */ if ( base == NULL ) { *t = data; return; } else { if ( ItemCmp( base->item, data ) < 0 ) { AddToTree( &(base->left), data, ItemCmp ); } else AddToTree( &(base->right), data, ItemCmp ); } } void AddToCollection( collection c, void *item ) /* Add an item to a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count < max_items) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been added to c */ { struct t_node *data, *node_p; assert( c != NULL ); assert( item != NULL ); /* Allocate space for a node for the data item */ data = (struct t_node *)malloc(sizeof(struct t_node)); /* Attach the item to the node */ data->item = item; data->left = data->right = (struct t_node *)0; node_p = c->node; AddToTree( &node_p, data, c->ItemCmp ); c->node=node_p; } void DeleteFromTree( struct t_node **t, void *item ) { struct t_node *temp, *prev, *succ; prev=temp=*t; void *val; *val=(void*)item; if(*t==NULL) printf("NO NODES TO BE DELETED"); else { while(temp->item!=val && temp!=NULL) //define val { prev=temp; if(temp->item >val) temp=temp->left; else temp=temp->right; } if(temp==NULL) { printf("the value could not be found\n"); return; } if(temp->left!=NULL && temp->right!=NULL) { prev=temp; succ=temp->right; while(succ->left!=NULL) { prev=succ; succ=succ->left; } temp->item=succ->item; temp=succ; } if(temp->left!=NULL && temp->right==NULL) { if(prev->left==temp) prev->left=temp->left; else prev->right=temp->left; } if(temp->left==NULL && temp->right!=NULL) { if(prev->left==temp) prev->left=temp->right; else prev->right=temp->right; } if(temp->left==NULL && temp->right==NULL) { if(prev->left==temp) prev->left=NULL; else prev->right=NULL; } /* if(temp==*root) // define root { if(temp->left!=NULL) *root=temp->left; else *root=temp->right; }*/ free(temp); } void DeleteFromCollection( collection c, void *item ) /* Delete an item from a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count >= 1) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been deleted from c */ { struct t_node *node; assert( c != NULL ); /* The requirement that the collection has at least one item is expressed a little differently */ assert( c->node != NULL ); assert( item != NULL); /* Select node at head of list */ node = c->node; DeleteFromTree( &node, item ); c->node=node; } void *FindInTree( struct t_node *t, void *key ) { if(t==NULL) return; else if(t->item==key) return t; else if ( ItemCmp( t->item, key ) < 0 ) return FindInTree( (t->left), key ); else return FindInTree( (t->right), key ); } void *FindInCollection( collection c, void *key ) /* Find an item in a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (key != NULL) Post-condition: returns an item identified by key if one exists, otherwise returns NULL */ { struct t_node *node; assert( c != NULL ); assert( key != NULL ); /* Select node at head of list */ node = c->node; return FindInTree( node, key ); } } void InOrderTreeTraversal(struct t_node *t, int(*private_print)(void *item)) { if(t != NULL) { InOrderTreeTraversal(t->left,private_print); private_print(t->item); InOrderTreeTraversal(t->right, private_print); } } void InOrderTraversal(collection c, int(*private_print)(void *item)) { assert(c != NULL); InOrderTreeTraversal(c->node,private_print); } Code: ////////////////////////////////////// coll_a.h ///////////////////////////////// /* Specification for collection */ typedef struct t_collection *collection; collection ConsCollection( int max_items, int (*ItemCmp)(void *, void *) ); /* Construct a new collection Pre-condition: max_items > 0 Post-condition: returns a pointer to an empty collection */ void AddToCollection( collection c, void *item ); /* Add an item to a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count < max_items) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been added to c */ void DeleteFromCollection( collection c, void *item ); /* Delete an item from a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count >= 1) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been deleted from c */ void *FindInCollection( collection c, void *key ); /* Find an item in a collection Pre-condition: c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection key != NULL Post-condition: returns an item identified by key if one exists, otherwise returns NULL */ void InOrderTraversal(collection c, int(*private_print)(void *item)) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// the compile time errors which I am unable to solve ont> gcc -c main.c coll_at.c main.c: In function `InOrderTraversal': main.c:15: error: old-style parameter declarations in prototyped function definition main.c:34: error: `ItemCmp' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:34: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once main.c:34: error: for each function it appears in.) main.c: In function `ItemCmp': main.c:73: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast main.c:74: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast main.c: In function `private_print': main.c:85: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast main.c:88: error: `f1' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:93: error: syntax error at end of input coll_at.c: In function `InOrderTraversal': coll_at.c:13: warning: structure defined inside parms coll_at.c:20: warning: structure defined inside parms coll_at.c:20: warning: empty declaration coll_at.c:29: error: syntax error before '{' token coll_at.c:92: error: syntax error before '*' token i hope the code is now acceptable for a review thanks a lot
main.c Code: #include <assert.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> #include "coll_a.h" /* import the specification */ int (*private_print)(void *item); int (*ItemCmp)(void *a, void *b); int main(); { collection myCollection; int max_items; FILE *f1; int i; int j; j=100000000; int intData[1000]; f1=fopen("out3.txt","wt"); /* Generating 1000 integers from 100,000,001 to 100,001,000 */ for (i =0; i <1000; i++) { intData[i] = ++j; } printf("Testing Part A....\n\n"); max_items = 1000; j = 0; myCollection = ConsCollection(max_items,ItemCmp); printf("adding 500 items\n"); for (i = 0; i <500; i++) { AddToCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[j ++]); } printf("deleting 400 items\n"); for (i = 0; i <400; i++) { DeleteFromCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[--j]); } printf("adding the rest of 500 items\n"); j+=400; for (i = 0; i <500; i++) { AddToCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[++j]); } for (i=0;i <100;i++) { if((intData[i]%2)!=0) { DeleteFromCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[i]); } } for (i=500;i<1000;i++) { if((intData[i]%2)!=0) { DeleteFromCollection(myCollection, (void *)&intData[i]); } } InOrderTraversal(c,private_print); } int ItemCmp(void *a, void *b) { long *d1,*d2; *d1=(long *)a; *d2=(long *)b; if(*d1>*d2) return -1; else if(*d1<*d2) return 1; else return 0; } int private_print(void *item) { long *t; *t=(long *)item; if(t!=NULL) {printf("%d",*t ); fprintf (f1, "\n%d",*t); } else { return 0; } } coll_at.c Code: #include <stdlib.h> /* calloc */ #include <stdio.h> /* NULL */ #include <assert.h> /* Needed for assertions */ #include "coll_a.h" /* import the specification */ struct t_node { void *item; struct t_node *left; struct t_node *right; } node; struct t_collection { /* Note that size is not needed any longer! */ int (*ItemCmp)( void *, void * ); struct t_node *node; }; collection ConsCollection(int max_items, int (*ItemCmp)(void *,void *)) /* Construct a data collection Pre-condition: (max_items > 0) && (item_size > 0) Post-condition: returns a pointer to an empty collection */ { collection c; /* Although redundant, this assertion should be retained as it tests compliance with the formal specification */ assert( max_items > 0 ); c = (collection)calloc( 1, sizeof(struct t_collection) ); c->node = (struct t_node *)0; c->ItemCmp = ItemCmp; return c; } static void AddToTree( struct t_node **t, struct t_node *data, int (*ItemCmp)(void *, void *) ) { struct t_node *base; base = *t; /* If it's a null tree, just add it here */ if ( base == NULL ) { *t = data; return; } else { if ( ItemCmp( base->item, data ) < 0 ) { AddToTree( &(base->left), data, ItemCmp ); } else AddToTree( &(base->right), data, ItemCmp ); } } void AddToCollection( collection c, void *item ) /* Add an item to a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count < max_items) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been added to c */ { struct t_node *data, *node_p; assert( c != NULL ); assert( item != NULL ); /* Allocate space for a node for the data item */ data = (struct t_node *)malloc(sizeof(struct t_node)); /* Attach the item to the node */ data->item = item; data->left = data->right = (struct t_node *)0; node_p = c->node; AddToTree( &node_p, data, c->ItemCmp ); c->node=node_p; } void DeleteFromTree( struct t_node **t, void *item ) { struct t_node *temp, *prev, *succ; prev=temp=*t; void *val; *val=(void*)item; if(*t==NULL) printf("NO NODES TO BE DELETED"); else { while(temp->item!=val && temp!=NULL) //define val { prev=temp; if(temp->item >val) temp=temp->left; else temp=temp->right; } if(temp==NULL) { printf("the value could not be found\n"); return; } if(temp->left!=NULL && temp->right!=NULL) { prev=temp; succ=temp->right; while(succ->left!=NULL) { prev=succ; succ=succ->left; } temp->item=succ->item; temp=succ; } if(temp->left!=NULL && temp->right==NULL) { if(prev->left==temp) prev->left=temp->left; else prev->right=temp->left; } if(temp->left==NULL && temp->right!=NULL) { if(prev->left==temp) prev->left=temp->right; else prev->right=temp->right; } if(temp->left==NULL && temp->right==NULL) { if(prev->left==temp) prev->left=NULL; else prev->right=NULL; } /* if(temp==*root) // define root { if(temp->left!=NULL) *root=temp->left; else *root=temp->right; }*/ free(temp); } void DeleteFromCollection( collection c, void *item ) /* Delete an item from a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count >= 1) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been deleted from c */ { struct t_node *node; assert( c != NULL ); /* The requirement that the collection has at least one item is expressed a little differently */ assert( c->node != NULL ); assert( item != NULL); /* Select node at head of list */ node = c->node; DeleteFromTree( &node, item ); c->node=node; } void *FindInTree( struct t_node *t, void *key ) { if(t==NULL) return; else if(t->item==key) return t; else if ( ItemCmp( t->item, key ) < 0 ) return FindInTree( (t->left), key ); else return FindInTree( (t->right), key ); } void *FindInCollection( collection c, void *key ) /* Find an item in a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (key != NULL) Post-condition: returns an item identified by key if one exists, otherwise returns NULL */ { struct t_node *node; assert( c != NULL ); assert( key != NULL ); /* Select node at head of list */ node = c->node; return FindInTree( node, key ); } } void InOrderTreeTraversal(struct t_node *t, int(*private_print)(void *item)) { if(t != NULL) { InOrderTreeTraversal(t->left,private_print); private_print(t->item); InOrderTreeTraversal(t->right, private_print); } } void InOrderTraversal(collection c, int(*private_print)(void *item)) { assert(c != NULL); InOrderTreeTraversal(c->node,private_print); } coll_a.h Code: /* Specification for collection */ typedef struct t_collection *collection; collection ConsCollection( int max_items, int (*ItemCmp)(void *, void *) ); /* Construct a new collection Pre-condition: max_items > 0 Post-condition: returns a pointer to an empty collection */ void AddToCollection( collection c, void *item ); /* Add an item to a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count < max_items) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been added to c */ void DeleteFromCollection( collection c, void *item ); /* Delete an item from a collection Pre-condition: (c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection) && (existing item count >= 1) && (item != NULL) Post-condition: item has been deleted from c */ void *FindInCollection( collection c, void *key ); /* Find an item in a collection Pre-condition: c is a collection created by a call to ConsCollection key != NULL Post-condition: returns an item identified by key if one exists, otherwise returns NULL */ void InOrderTraversal(collection c, int(*private_print)(void *item)) the compile time errors which I am unable to solve ont> gcc -c main.c coll_at.c main.c: In function `InOrderTraversal': main.c:15: error: old-style parameter declarations in prototyped function definition main.c:34: error: `ItemCmp' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:34: error: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once main.c:34: error: for each function it appears in.) main.c: In function `ItemCmp': main.c:73: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast main.c:74: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast main.c: In function `private_print': main.c:85: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast main.c:88: error: `f1' undeclared (first use in this function) main.c:93: error: syntax error at end of input coll_at.c: In function `InOrderTraversal': coll_at.c:13: warning: structure defined inside parms coll_at.c:20: warning: structure defined inside parms coll_at.c:20: warning: empty declaration coll_at.c:29: error: syntax error before '{' token coll_at.c:92: error: syntax error before '*' token
You appear to be the one that is clueless. Because your code is not indented, I won't look at it. I did look at the messages and give you a tip, which you seem to be ignoring. I'll give you one more, then I expect you to help us help you by presenting decently formatted code. This is wrong: Code: int main()[COLOR=Red];[/COLOR] {
I would suggest one more thing. Help us to know the errors and not the whole bunch of code where we need to find the errors for you.