how can i edit equation 3.0 object in MS Word by macro or c++ (i mean generat not just object but also content) (something like MathType convert equation object to MathType objectby macro) is possible to do i t by eq field but it has wrong format which can be convert to equation by double click but this solution is not automatic... thanx for any advice
ok what i'm trying to do is make a program which output is a MS Word document. In this doc will be some text pictures and euations. All equation shoud be as MS Equation 3.0 object. All equation should content a formula, nubers and enumeration. This should be done by program itself without user touch. And problem is that equation is an OLE object which has no parameters on create. So I need statement something like this: 'eq' defined like equation object then for example x=a/b=1/4=0,25 eq='x=/f(a,b)=/f(1,4)=0.25' which in document will be formated in math form this is not a realy source but if tou use VBA macro in word i can do something like that by equation FIELD but it's format is is useless (subbscript and superscript is same size as main text integral sign is to little etc.) eqution field can be converted to MS Equation 3.0 object by double click on it but this need user activity... I can't write this problem better(sorry for my bad english). I wrote also to Microsoft but they are useless...
I am not sure about how this can be done but you can record a MACRO is your outputed word doc to perform the task.
by recording a macro i can do only that equation is inserted to doc but equation editor sohows up and content of equation i have to write manualy which is not solution for me. I need edit CONTENT of equation BY PROGRAM
did you mean contact autor?? if yes who is it, cause it's parto of MS Office package and i don't realy think it's aviable for anyone , but i'll try it... as i said any advice is good for me
Try contacting the equation editor online through the help or any other option. Yes it comes with Office but its an added plugin as far as I know. Correct me if I am wrong.
yes this could be helpfull i downloaded som references from author so maybe i move forward... i will post here if i pass..
so from design science no reply so i decided to do that by macro but how can i "do a double click" by macro???