Doubly Linked List, help

Discussion in 'Java' started by Rose123456789, Apr 22, 2011.

  1. Rose123456789

    Rose123456789 New Member

    Apr 22, 2011
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    This is incomplete, its suppose to be a doubly linked list, though im having a hard time turning it into one, if you could then I could go through and better understand, many thanks.

    import java.util.*;
     * This is an example for CS 1410 - It is a simple
     * Queue data structure implemented using a
     * singly-linked list. <p>
     * This example demonstrates linked lists and generics.
     * It has been fully commented and reorganized for clarity. <p>
     * Note - any data of any single type can be stored in this list,
     * including null.  Care must be taken because data values
     * may be null.  (I have added code to handle this in the
     * Node inner class.)
     * @author Peter A Jensen 
    public class Queue<E> 
        // Instance variables
        private Node head;  // Points to (refers to) the first node in the list, or null if none.
        private Node tail;  // Points to (refers to) the last node in the list, or null if none.
        private int size;   // The number of elements (nodes) in the list.
         * This constructor initializes the queue to an empty
         * state.  (The head and tail reference 'null', and the
         * size is set to 0.)
        public Queue ()
            this.head = null;
            this.tail = null;
            this.size = 0;
         * Returns the number of elements in this queue.
         * @return
         *        the number of elements in this queue
        public int size ()
            return size;
         * Adds an element to the end (the back) of the queue.
         * @param data
         *            the data to be enqueued
        public void enqueue (E data)
            // Create a new node with the data.  This node
            //   will be linked in to the list at the end of the list.
            Node n = new Node (data);
            // If the list is not empty, just link the new node
            //   in after the tail.
            if (tail != null)
       = n;
            // The end of the list is changed to reference the new node.
            tail = n;
            // If the list was empty, the head should also reference this new node.
            if (head == null)
                head = n;
    =n;//added by me---
            // The list has had a node added - increase its size.    
         * Removes an element from the start (the front) of the queue.
         * @return
         *        the data stored at the start of the queue
         * @throws NoSuchElementException
         *                               if the queue is empty
        public E dequeue ()
            // If the queue is empty, throw an exception.
            if (size == 0)
                throw new NoSuchElementException("Cannot remove an element from an empty queue.");
            // Get the data from the node at the front of the list.  Note that we know
            //   the head will be non-null, the queue is not empty if we get here.
            E temp =;
            // Point the head to the next node in the list.  This causes the first node
            //   to become unreferenced, and it will be discarded by the garbage collector.
            head =;
            // The list has shrunk, change the size.
            // If the list is now empty, both the head and tail should point to null.
            //   (Note that the head already would contain null, we don't need to change it again.)
            if (size == 0)
                tail = null;
            // Return the data that was stored at the front of the queue.    
            return temp;
         * Removes the specified element from the list.  If the
         * data does not exist in the list, the queue is not changed.
         * If the data occurs multiple times in the list, only
         * the first occurrence is removed.
         * @param data
         *            the data element to be removed
        public void remove (E data)
            // Keep track of a 'current' node (or position) in the list, as
            //   well as the node that links to this node.
            Node current = head;
            Node previous = null;
            // As long as 'current' has not reached the end of the list, and
            //   as long as it is not referencing a node that contains the
            //   data we want to remove, loop and advance through the list.
            while (current != null && !current.containsData(data))
                previous = current;
                current =;
            // If the element was not found, bail.
            if (current == null)
            // If the element was at the start of the list, just advance
            //   the head.  Otherwise, unlink it from the list.
            if (previous == null)
                head =;
            // An element has been removed, adjust the size appropriately.    
            // If the last element was removed, adjust the tail appropriately.
            if (current == tail)
                tail = previous;
         * Inserts the specified element into the list immediately before 
         * the specified placeholder data.  If the placeholder data is not 
         * in the list, no action is taken.  The inserted data element will be 
         * nearer to the start of the list than the placeholder.  If the
         * placeholder element occurs multiple times in the list, the
         * data element will be inserted before the first occurrence of the
         * placeholder.
         * @param placeholder
         *                   the data element to search for
         * @param data
         *            the data element to insert
        public void insertBefore (E placeholder, E data)
            // We did not write this method during class - you
            //   will need to write it as part of the assignment.
        		head= new Node(data);
        		tail= head;
         * Inserts the specified element into the list immediately after 
         * the specified placeholder data.  If the placeholder data is not 
         * in the list, no action is taken.  The data element will be 
         * nearer to the end of the list than the placeholder.  If the
         * placeholder element occurs multiple times in the list, the
         * data element will be inserted after the first occurrence of the
         * placeholder.
         * @param placeholder
         *                   the data element to search for
         * @param data
         *            the data element to insert
        public void insertAfter (E placeholder, E data)
            // We did not write this method during class - you
            //   will need to write it as part of the assignment.
         * This class defines 'node' objects, which are the
         * parts of the linked list used in the queue class above.
         * A single Queue object may create and link together
         * many Node objects.  <p>
         * Note that this class is inside of the Queue class.
         * The class is private because we only want to use it
         * within the Queue class. <p>
         * In the in-class demo, nodes were designed to be singly-linked
         * (forward only).  This assignment requires you to convert
         * the Queue and the Node classes to use / represent a
         * doubly-linked list.  Nodes will have two references, one that
         * points forwards, and one that points backwards. <p>
         * @author Peter Jensen
        private class Node
            // Instance variables.
            private E data;         // The data stored in the node.
            private Node next;
            private Node previous;// A reference to the next node in the list, or null if none.
             * Creates a node containing the specified data,
             * and linking to nothing.
             * @param data
             *            the data to store in this node
            public Node (E data)
       = data;
       = null;
             * Returns the data stored in this node.
             * @return
             *        the data stored in this node
            public E getData ()
                return data;
             * Returns the Node object that follows this
             * Node object.  This method is used to traverse
             * the linked list.
             * @return
             *        the node that follows this node
            public Node getNext()
                return next;
             * made by me, accessor method to get previous
            public Node getPrevious()
            	return previous;
             * made by me, mutator method to set previous
            public void setPrevious(Node n)
             * Causes this Node object to be linked to
             * the specified node.  The specified node will
             * follow, or come after, this node.
             * @param n
             *          the node to be placed after this node
            public void setNext(Node n)
                next = n;
             * Returns true if this node contains the specified
             * data.  This is just a helper method to make it easier
             * to allow null values to be stored in the queue.  Nulls
             * can be safely compared with this method.
             * @param data
             *            a data element to compare to the data in this node
             * @return 
             *        true if the data elements are equal, false otherwise
            public boolean containsData (E data)
                if ( == null || data == null)
                    return == data;
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2011
  2. mumba004

    mumba004 New Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    I want to bump this since I also need help with this, and if you have the answer rose1234 could you pm me it ? thanks

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