
Discussion in 'Engineering Concepts' started by huda, Apr 12, 2009.

  1. huda

    huda New Member

    Jan 22, 2009
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    are there more than on of DMA in computer or there is one for all devices?
    if so, why there is DMA SELECT in DMA organization?
    then , what is burst transfer?
    and why it is used with hard disk?

    lastly, cpu communicate with DMA to read and write from registers of DMA.
    I know cpu communicate with DMA to write no. of word in word count reg. and read it then ; as I know cpu write the address in address reg. of DMA and write control info. in control reg. of DMA , but I don't know why and when it read AR and control reg. of DMA?
    in block digram of DMA the lines for all registers of DMA are bidirectional.

    please , I need help in this topic. I appreciate any help.

    thanks in advance

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