Hi i have the following probem: i adquired a ffencoder.dll wich can make .mp4 videos. I had to compile it in Ubuntu, following the author howto. The thing is that he says that a .lib for the .dll can be made with visual studio tools. I followed a guide to make the .lib. First i wrote a .def files with the "EXPORT" functions with the fuction that i wanted to export. Then used msvc lib tool to make the library. I made the lib successfully. But doesn't work, visual c++ still says "cannot resolve simbol xxxx". I made all the steps well, i don't know what else i can do.
cannot resolve simbol xxxx - the lib file doesn't appear to be in the search path of the compiler, or the function cannot be found in the lib - name mangling maybe?? I don't know what the dll project is, but a google search for ffencoder came up with this page. I downloaded the dll, h, and lib files and made a test project using VCExpress 2008. I put the dll in the same folder as the test application and the lib in the default vce installation lib folder. I couldn't find any documentation as to how the FFENCODER_PARAMS structure should be filled, but I got output from ffencoder_init. Code: #pragma comment(lib, "ffencoder") #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "ffencoder.h" int main(void) { FFENCODER_PARAMS ffenc = { 0 }; if((ffenc.filename = malloc(255)) != NULL) { strcpy(ffenc.filename, "test.mp3"); ffenc.audio_bitrate = 128; // ffencoder_init output // balked expecting 128k ffenc.sample_rate = 44100; // wild guess // other fields left 0 ffencoder_init(&ffenc); // function returns a pointer, // but no idea what } ... // app termination stuff } I know it's not what you're after, but I've used ffmpeg via a system call, and have had decent luck muxing images into an mp4. I'm interested in what you're wanting to do... if this is the same ffencoder project, would you mind posting the url for the how-to page? google wasn't much help.
Im author of a Nintendo Entertaiment System emulator. So im trying to add "save NES movie" to my emulator. Google "yanese" since the forum dosen't allow me to add to many link. The info is here: "forums.nesdev.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12156&start=15" without the cuotes of course.
I've tried that EMU before... nice job you've done. You're way further along than I am, but some time ago, I faced the exact same problem as you are now. VFW isn't very handy... at the time, I gave up and resorted to using ffmpeg. I appreciate you posting the link to that thread; perhaps I can get restarted. Best of luck to you with the emu.
Yeah vfw is a c**p and by the other hand i still cannot make a NES movie even with this .dll. I post and post in the nesdev forum but no feedback. I think i have to face the fact that i have to investigate ffmpeg lib since there is no to many doc for it.