Hi, I have 2 forms, on one form i want to browse image and want to save them in array or arraylist and show on 2nd form that selected image. How would that be done? One more query is that if i want to show that image in 2nd form can i set the size of image to be shown in a proper place as thier will be some more images will be later on adding to that form as well. Please help. Thanks
It worked now the image is in proper shape in the picture box but now the next question is "how u will put them in some arraylist so i can show multiple images at one time in the picturebox on the form". Thanks
I made the property like following but giving exception Login.cs public String getImages { get{ return imgtextbox.text;} } tictactoe.cs Login l=new Login(); Picturebox1.Load(l.getImages); // give exception here
I created two List fields as on Login Form private List<string> imageList = new List<string>(); private List<string> username = new List<string>(); TicTacToe tic=new TicTacToe(usernametextBox.Text,imgTextbox.Text); What I have to do to change in the constructor of TicTacToe so i can add in someway List of usernames. Anyway to convert string of usernametextbox to ArrayList?
Hi Shabbir, I have one form which is login form which contains username and image browsing field. Now in Login.cs Code: private void LoadGameButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TicTacToe tic=new TicTacToe(usernametextBox.Text,imgTextbox.Text); if (imgTextbox.Text.Equals("")) { MessageBox.Show("Please select any image"); return; } else { tic.Show(); // this.Hide(); } } In TicTacToe.cs Code: public TicTacToe(String strText,string img) { InitializeComponent(); if (strText.Equals("")) { label2.Text = "Guest"; } else { label2.Text = strText; } pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage; //pictureBox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom; pictureBox1.Load(img); pictureBox1.Refresh(); } Question is: I defined two picturebox fields on this form where i can load 2 people images but now how to write the code so that once the user is logged in image will come in one picturebox and when second user is logged in it will come in second picturebox and after that login form should be hidden. Please help?
Now after explaining this it looks you are unable to describe the problem properly. First you had something else. Simple have a global / class / static variable of username and based on user name load the images accordingly.