Hi there, I am currently developing a web application. I have created one file with .jsp extension which combining both JSP and HTML codes. But for some purposes, I need to separate them into .jps and .html file accordingly without affection their function. How I possibly do that? Here is my codes: (Example.jsp) Code: <%@ page language = "java" contentType = "text/html; charset = ISO-8859-1" import = "java.lang.*, java.util.*, java.text.*, java.sql.*" %> <jsp:useBean id="utilObj" class="beanPackage.UtilBean" scope="page"/> <jsp:useBean id="dbObj" class="beanPackage.DatabaseBean" scope="page"/> <jsp:useBean id="formatObj" class="beanPackage.FormatBean" scope="page"/> <% // mobile app variables String strLicNo = request.getParameter("LicNo"); // variables to display data Vector arrLicName = new Vector(); // to store licensee name Vector arrBussName = new Vector(); // to store business name Vector arrLicNo = new Vector(); // to store license no Vector arrAdd1 = new Vector(); // to store address 1 Vector arrAdd2 = new Vector(); // to store address 2 Vector arrAdd3 = new Vector(); // to store address 3 Vector arrPostcode = new Vector(); // to store postcode Vector arrCityName = new Vector(); // to store city name Vector arrStateName = new Vector(); // to store state name Vector arrCountryName = new Vector(); // to store country name Vector arrEffectDate = new Vector(); // to store effective date Vector arrLicType = new Vector(); // to store remarks // database parameters Connection ocon = null; Statement stmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String strSQL = ""; try { ocon = dbObj.getConnection(); stmt = ocon.createStatement(); strSQL = "SELECT T15_00010.LICENSEE_NAME, T15_00020.BUSINESS_NAME, T15_00030.LIC_NO, "; strSQL += "T15_00021.ADDRESS1, T15_00021.ADDRESS2, T15_00021.ADDRESS3, "; strSQL += "T15_00021.POSTCODE, T_UM_CITY.CITY_NAME, T_UM_STATE.STATE_NAME, T_UM_COUNTRY.COUNTRY_NAME, "; strSQL += "T15_00033.PRINCIPAL_LICENSE, T15_00034.EFFECTIVE_DATE, T15_00034.EXPIRY_DATE, T01_15050.DESCRIPTION "; strSQL += "FROM T15_00010, T15_00020, T15_00021, T15_00030, T15_00033, T15_00034, T01_15050, T_UM_CITY, T_UM_STATE, T_UM_COUNTRY "; strSQL += "WHERE T15_00020.T15_00010_OBJECTID = T15_00010.OBJECTID "; strSQL += "AND T15_00021.T15_00020_OBJECTID = T15_00020.OBJECTID "; strSQL += "AND T15_00030.T15_00020_OBJECTID = T15_00020.OBJECTID "; strSQL += "AND T15_00033.T15_00030_OBJECTID = T15_00030.OBJECTID "; strSQL += "AND T15_00033.T01_15050_OBJECTID = T01_15050.OBJECTID "; strSQL += "AND T15_00034.T15_00033_OBJECTID = T15_00033.OBJECTID "; strSQL += "AND T_UM_CITY.CITY_CODE = T15_00021.CITY "; strSQL += "AND T_UM_STATE.STATE_CODE = T15_00021.STATE "; strSQL += "AND T_UM_COUNTRY.COUNTRY_CODE = T15_00021.COUNTRY "; strSQL += "AND T15_00030.LIC_NO = '"+strLicNo+"' "; strSQL += "GROUP BY T01_15050.CODE "; System.out.println(strSQL); rs = stmt.executeQuery(strSQL); while (rs.next()){ arrLicName.add(rs.getString("T15_00010.LICENSEE_NAME")); arrBussName.add(rs.getString("T15_00020.BUSINESS_NAME")); arrLicNo.add(rs.getString("T15_00030.LIC_NO")); arrAdd1.add(rs.getString("T15_00021.ADDRESS1")); arrAdd2.add(rs.getString("T15_00021.ADDRESS2")); arrAdd3.add(rs.getString("T15_00021.ADDRESS3")); arrPostcode.add(rs.getString("T15_00021.POSTCODE")); arrCityName.add(rs.getString("T_UM_CITY.CITY_NAME")); arrStateName.add(rs.getString("T_UM_STATE.STATE_NAME")); arrCountryName.add(rs.getString("T_UM_COUNTRY.COUNTRY_NAME")); arrEffectDate.add(formatObj.dateDisplayFormat(rs.getString("T15_00034.EFFECTIVE_DATE"))); arrLicType.add(rs.getString("T01_15050.DESCRIPTION")); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // close ResultSet and Statement try { if(rs != null) rs.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if(stmt != null) stmt.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { if(ocon != null) ocon.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } %> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="images/style.css" type="text/css" /> <title>Licensing</title> </head> <body> <%-- <tr> <div id="topbar"> <div align="right" style="padding:12px;" class="smallwhitetext"><a href="../home.jsp">Home</a> | <a href="../Outstanding_Bill/outstanding_bill.jsp" title="Outstanding Bill">Outstanding Bill</a> | <a href="license_list.jsp" title="License List">License Listing</a></div> </div> </tr>--%> <tr> <table width="98%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"> <tr> <td width="150px"> <div class="logotext" style="margin:30px"><span class="orangelogotext">Licensing</span></div> </td> <td> <div id="contenttext"> <div class="bodytext" style="padding:12px;" align="justify"> <%-- License No., Licensee Name and Business Name --%> <%--<table width="98%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"> <tr><td colspan="3" class="TableHeader">License Search</td></tr> <%-- <tr> <td class="TableLabel" width="150px">License No.</td> <td class="TableDetail1" width="500px"> <INPUT type="submit" value="Search"> </td> </tr>--%> <%--<tr> <td class="TableLabel" width="150px">Licensee Name</td> <td class="TableDetail1" width="500px"> <%=formObj.drawTextField("text", "strLicName", "", strTextLen, "", "0", "")%> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="TableLabel" width="150px">Business Name</td> <td class="TableDetail1" width="500px"> <%=formObj.drawTextField("text", "strBusinessName", "", strTextLen, "", "0", "")%> <INPUT type="submit" value="Search"> </td> <tr> </table>--%> <% out.print("<table width=\"100%\" border=0 cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\">"); out.print("<tr><td colspan=\"13\" class=\"TableHeader\"><strong>License List</strong></td></tr>"); out.print("<tr><td class=\"TableLabel\">No.</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">Licensee Name</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">Business Name</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">License No</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">Address 1</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">Address 2</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">Address 3</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">Postcode</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">City Name</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">State Name</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">Country Name</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">License Type</td>"); out.print("<td class=\"TableLabel\">Effective Date</td>"); out.print("<td> </td></tr>"); int intTotKids = arrLicName.size(); int rowCount = 1; String segTable; String rowLabel = ""; for (int intDraw=0; intDraw<intTotKids; intDraw++) { if (intDraw%2==0) rowLabel = "rowLabelEven"; else rowLabel = "rowLabelOdd"; segTable = "<tr>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+rowCount+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrLicName.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrBussName.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrLicNo.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrAdd1.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrAdd2.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrAdd3.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrPostcode.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrCityName.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrStateName.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrCountryName.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrLicType.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "<td class=\""+rowLabel+"\">"+arrEffectDate.get(intDraw)+"</td>"; segTable += "</tr>"; out.print(segTable); rowCount++; } %> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </tr> </body> </html> I wish to separate the code into example.jsp which only does the processing and the .html only display the result. Please advise. Thanks in advance.
Here's the link I'm sharing just check, hope you find it relevant " http://www.xyzws.com/jspfaq/how-to-retrieve-values-from-html-form-input-elements-in-jsp/1 " Good Luck