Hello evry body , can anyone helpme in seagate crystal report 8.0 i m new to that so any ebook or any article which help me and i want show records of two or more table in crystal report but when we place multiple fields on designer form and show the preview then it show me nothing but if i place many fileds from signle table all fileds are shown to me so plz help me its urgent Thanx&Regard Rajeev Tyagi
The reason you are not seeing any field because of the Join criteria. Try running the query of both the tables with proper Join and see what is the output. Also if you can't get it by this way also try creating a view with the required tables and then connect it to the Crystal Report 8.0 Also just don't have such annoying fonts in the posts as that will not help but will annoy the people who are willing to respond.
Hello first of all Thanx Sahbbir for help me and second thing i m sorry for that font size but as i was first time use this website so i dont know about that so i want some time for that so plz ignore my mistakes Thanx&Regards Rajeev Tyagi