Hi All, In one of my project, I need signed Key Algo. As crypto always go miles over my head. So if any provide me nice pointer or source code. Let me explain looking for this type of thing. Using user name (any name) I generate the Keythat key I verify in the component with Public key. If it is ok, I will allow user to use my Component. Here only I looking for some algorithm where I can put private Key & Username and in return it give me User Key, Public key. Any Help is Greatly Appreciated
Hey Alok you can use the md5 encryption technique which is provided by many web languages but C-C++ you can use http://www.langfine.com/rsa_md5.htm to find some hints. MD5 definition can be found at http://www.ch.pgp.net/pgpnet/pgp-faq/glossary.html Thanks Shabbir Bhimani
Thanks Sir Shabbir, but i am looking for Signed Key Algoriths,i.e. Public Key and private Key algorithms.Thanks i have posted this Problem Almost on 20 forums,only you hav ereply for me thanks.
You can look for RSA and DES algorithm for this. Here are links to both http://www.aci.net/kalliste/des.htm http://world.std.com/~franl/crypto/rsa-example.html I guess all the other forums is lagging is there admin is not an expert in that section or he cannot be active due to very high number of posts daily. Thanks Shabbir Bhimani