I downloaded some of the materials for cracking and keygenning.. It has lots of stuff related to assembly language programming.. Where can i learn that. Is it damn necessary for learning cracking or it can be left out. I can't find enough tutorials for assembly language programming. Pls help.
Assembly is actually a rather more complicated programing language im still learning it i insiteded on learning it because i want to learn how to program on the TI 84+ TI 84+ uses basic z840 i think thats the name of it. i think the site is ticat.com google it once foun you can find lots of tutorials on assembly if u have a TI calculator 84+ go in to prgm new type Hello Code: Disp" Hello" Disp"my name is" Disp"immortal" Disp"Ur TI has" Disp"Crashed" Disp"Hit Enter" Pause: Clrhome Axesoff clralllist exproff Dispgraph Pause: Goto lib1 Repeat Pause i think there is some code in there that is wrong im not near a ti right now so cant check it but if it does work it will show the text then u hit enter delete all text on screen disable "dispgraph" reboot after 12 seconds