What all these mails why they are in our mails who are they any stories or they want to hack our bank accounts or what
Linuxwan,that is actually one of the thousands "Nigerian Scams". This people operate in a similar way. They start getting your attention talking big money,and at the end they always ask you for money to transfer funds ect. (once you send them money via western union,you wont hear from them ever) Note: A year back i keylogged one of this guys,and changed the passwords of at least 46 email adresses used for those purposes,and you'll be amazed how many people fall for this stuff.
Ok, Sure I will take care and thanks for the information Mr. P455w0rd_Cr4kz How you have done that, i.e changing the password of those emails. Ok now i can remember the same what you said happend in Andhra Pradesh. But Police captured those people. If you people have more info please provide that here.