I know I'm posting this forum twice, but I lost my original post and I didn't know there was a "Linux" forum. When I compile my program by typing... Code: g++ foo.cpp ...it compiles just fine and a little happy a.out file pops up. However, when I try to run the program... Code: ./a.out I get an error message along the lines of... Code: a.out: Permission denied I checked the permissions. They're normal: I can read, write, and execute; everyone else can read and execute; etc... I have the same problem with Perl programs as well, but I found that when I type... Code: perl foo.pl ...that seems to fix the problem. I'm just concerned about C++. Do I need a package that may be corrupted? Thanks in advance.
You have posted it as an Article and so it went to Editorial review and your posts is moved into the forums. Duplicate of [thread=4416]Can't run C++ programs![/thread]. Thread closed.