Okay, so, I know just posted a thread, but I promise I won't post anymore for a week or two. With that out of the way, here is my problem.... When I run this code in Visual Studio 2008's debugger, string str = "string"; int num = 28; multimap<string,int> mm; mm.insert(pair<string,int>(str, num)); After mm.insert(pair<string,int>(str,num)); str gets set to "bad pointer", and num becomes a really humongous number. In addition my debugger shows that mm contains a thousand keys labeled "error". It's really weird because I #included <map>, and declared it perfectly and everything. Do you think it has something to do with my settings? Thanks ~Ben Shumway
Okay, so I spent some time away from the computer to let my mind refresh. When I came back, I realized that in the code 1: string str = "string"; 2: int num = 28; 3: multimap<string,int> mm; 4: mm.insert(pair<string,int>(str, num)); str becomes a bad-pointer not when when it's inserted inside of mm, but when it's created on line 1. Why is this? I'm declaring the string perfectly fine, and I'm #including <string>. Any ideas would be mich appreciated. Thanks, ~Ben S.