Hi all I have the following code Code: ) string line = (*aIt), line1, path; bool res; string::size_type i; i = line.find_last_of('\\'); line1 = line.substr(0, i); i = line1.find_last_of('\\'); line = line1.substr(i + 1, (line.length() - i)); path = file + "\\" + line; res = CopyFile((LPCTSTR)line1.c_str(), (LPCTSTR)path.c_str(), ifExists); cout << "\n" << GetLastError() << endl; } }//else The problem is the call to CopyFile fails GetLastError outputs 2 after having a look at winerror.h I think it is a ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND error. I assume that refers to the file to be copied. I don't know if I'm calling the function correctly. Any suggestions...please.