converting binary tree into linear hashing code

Discussion in 'C' started by viewsonic, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. viewsonic

    viewsonic New Member

    Apr 23, 2008
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    I have to following code

    #include <iostream>
    #include "Container.h"
    class ContainerImpl : public Container {
      class Node {
        Key key;
        Node * left;
        Node * right;
        Node( const Key& key, Node * left = 0, Node * right = 0 ) : key( key ), left( left ), right( right ) {}
      Node * root;
      void add_( Node*& node, const Key& key );
      bool isMember_( Node* node, const Key& key ) const;
      std::ostream& put_( Node* node, std::ostream& o ) const;
      virtual std::ostream& put( std::ostream& o ) const { return put_( root, o ); }
      ContainerImpl() : root( 0 ) { }
      virtual ~ContainerImpl( ) { }   // not implemented
      using Container::add;
      virtual void add( const Key keys[], size_t size );
      using Container::remove;
      virtual void remove( const Key keys[], size_t size ) { }  // not implemented
      virtual bool isMember( const Key& key ) const  { return isMember_( root, key ); }
      virtual size_t size( ) const { return 0; }  // not implemented
      virtual bool isEmpty( ) const { return false; }  // not implemented
      virtual void foreach( const Functor& f, Order order = dontcare ) const { } // not implemented
      virtual Key minKey( ) const { return Key(); } // not implemented
      virtual Key maxKey( ) const { return Key(); } // not implemented
      virtual int teamNr( ) const { return 0; }
      virtual int themeNr( ) const { return 0; }
    #endif //CONTAINERIMPL_H

    #include <iostream>
    #include "ContainerImpl.h"
    void ContainerImpl::add_( Node*& node, const Key& key ) {
      if (!node) {
        node = new Node( key );
      } else {
        if (node->key > key) {
          add_( node->left, key );
        } else if (key > node->key) {
          add_( node->right, key );
    void ContainerImpl::add( const Key keys[], size_t size ) {
      for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        add_( root, keys[i] );
    bool ContainerImpl::isMember_( Node* node, const Key& key ) const {
      if (!node) {
        return false;
      } else if (key == node->key) {
        return true;
      } else if (node->key > key) {
        return isMember_( node->left, key );
      } else {
        return isMember_( node->right, key );
    std::ostream& ContainerImpl::put_( Node* node, std::ostream &o ) const {
      if (node) {
        o << " (";
        o << node->key;
        put_( node->left, o );
        put_( node->right, o );
        o << ')';
      } else {
        o << " .";
      return o;

    convert into linear hashing with insert and search function.

    Also, I have to use

        *      Defaultkonstruktor ContainerImpl() 
        *      void add( const Key[], size_t ) 
        *      void add( const Key& ) 
        *      bool isMember( const Key& ) const 
        *      int teamNr( ) const 
        *      int themeNr( ) const 
    Cause, I'm not a programmer and I need to do that in a few days, I hope also someone can help me with it? Thanks in Advance
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 16, 2009

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