hi...hey guys i just wanted a help on this....how do i convert a given number to a 32 bit long form...plz help....
if i enter the o/p should be 2568095849....for separation u can use strtok for separating.....
Use strtol(). One of the things it returns is a pointer to where it got to (ie, the dots between numbers). This you use to locate the start of the next number.
well salem i got tat part...but the next thing is how do i convert...tats wat am nt able to get...so i needed help on it.....
You mean that 2568095849 is (153 << 24) + (18 << 16) + (8 << 8) + 105 It's just a loop, with a shift and and add.
thanks for tat...well so rt nw u mean to say tat find the binary eqvt and keep shifting and then concatenate the thing to find final result??if u could post the code here it would be really very helpful of u...
Well it would do, if you were storing the result in an unsigned char say. All the bits fell off the end! It needs to be in an unsigned long before you shift it left 24 bits.
i could get the following code...but cant understand how it works.....can u pls explain it.... code:cpp Code: #include<string.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> union ipadd { unsigned long int a; } e; void main() { char ip[100]; char *p; int i,n,j,po; unsigned long int d; e.a=0; clrscr(); printf("\nenter the ip"); scanf("%s",ip); p=strtok(ip,"."); n=strlen(p) ; d=0; po=0; for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { d=d+(*(p+i)-48)*pow(10,po); po++; } e.a=d*pow(256,3); for(j=2;j>=0;j--) { p=strtok(NULL,"."); n=strlen(p); d=0; po=0; for(i=n-1;i>=0;i--) { d=d+(*(p+i)-48)*pow(10,po); po++; } e.a=e.a+d*pow(256,j); } printf("\n the ip add is :%lu",e.a); getch(); }
Sure, there are lots of things wrong with it. > void main() http://c-faq.com/ansi/voidmain.html > #include<conio.h> This is a non-standard header file, so you should avoid using unless necessary. It is also obsolete as well, as no new compiler will ever have such a thing. Even compilers like dev-c++ which do include it do only for backward compatibility. > union ipadd A union with only one member is kinda pointless, so it looks just like a struct. > d=d+(*(p+i)-48)*pow(10,po); You know, this is exactly what strtol() does, so why not use it? In fact using strtol() means you can avoid the messy strtok() function as well, which as a side-effect trashes the input string.