HI.. I got 2 comboBoxes, when i select the 1st item in 1st combobox, then will list all sub items in 2nd combobox. Data can be in database or in program. Got any guideline or reference... Thanks! Cheers! Danny
To fill the combobox you need to use its AddString property. Attach a CComboBox control to the combo box and use the AddString property to add the necessary strings depending on the option selected in the first combo. Thanks and I hope it helps. Shabbir Bhimani
i means at 1st combobox which got items called "A","B","C" When i selected "A", 2nd combobox only list out "A1","A2","A3" only.... Please advise! thanks!
Yes, is it got this such thing? Can i do this? oid CIDComboDemoDlg::OnSelchangeCombo1() { m_eFruitVal = (eEnumeratedFruit)m_combo.GetCurSelData(); switch (m_eFruitVal) { case eBanana: m_descriptionWnd.SetWindowText("Banana"); for (int i=0;i < 20;i++) { pmyComboBox->AddString("Malaysia"); } break; case eApple: m_descriptionWnd.SetWindowText("Apple"); for (int i=0;i < 20;i++) { pmyComboBox->AddString("Malaysia"); } break;
void CIDComboDemoDlg::OnSelchangeCombo1() { m_eFruitVal = (eEnumeratedFruit)m_combo.GetCurSelData(); switch (m_eFruitVal) { case eBanana: for (int i=0;i < 20;i++) { m_combo1->AddString("YELLOW");break; //BUT PROGRAM HANG AFTER I SELECT "BANANA", } } } m_combo1->AddString("YELLOW");break //THIS ONE I LIKE TO INSERT AT 2ND COMBOBOX, BUT WILL HANG WILL HANG AT HERE!
Moderator,DOn't you think this wrong forum for posting queries. this subforum is for posting project not queries.there separate forum for posting Queries Thanks