Hi all, I need to know the charset of the browser from which the request is coming for encoding pupose. I have tried things by getting them in the HTTP request but there i am getting only the accepted charsets,that is set of encodings like (utf-8,shift-jis,iso-8859-1) like this but i need to know exactly what is the charset of the brower so that i can decode them in to the required format before showing the responce I am very thank ful if any body helps me in this and Thanks in Advance. Mohiddin.
You may send a response to the browser in any of its accepted charsets, it'll automatically switch to the response charset if supported, and you know which charset is supported! ;-)
Thank you Pradeep, But it may not work for this situation how about i use cgi for this but i tried it but unable to find a way for this i am very great ful if u can suggest me in that. Thanks, Mohiddin